First Date

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Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Damon, Y/N

Description: Damon and Y/Ns long-awaited first date.

You were counting down the hours until Damon would arrive to pick you up. You had never expected this to happen when you first seen him all those weeks ago. Giddiness began to rise up in your chest as the clock on your table read 18:00. Only one more hour to wait. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you stood up and walked over to your closet to pick out the perfect outfit for the perfect guy.

When 7 o clock rolled around, you were dressed in a jaw dropping red dress, with your hair in an updo to accent your shoulders and chest. You were definitely going all out for Damon. He seemed like the kind of guy who would appreciate it. In the distance, you heard a card engine rumble and a car door slam shut. A few seconds later, 3 raps sounded at the door and you quickly made your way to answer, grabbing your purse along the way.

Opening the door, you were greeted by the most handsome man you had ever seen. Damon, it seemed, had gone all out for you as well. His hair was combed to the right and was dressed in a very tight black tuxedo. You looked him up and down and gave him a little whistle.

"Damon Salvatore, you really do know how to make a girls knees quiver, dont ya?" He smiled down at you and held his arm out for you to take. "Of course I do, it's all part of my charm." Damon gave you a little wink and walked you down your driveway towards his car. He opened the passenger side and helped you to sit. "I never pegged you as a gentleman, Salvatore." "Only the best for you, Y/N." Damon bent down and kissed your hand gently before closing the door and walking around to the drivers side. You tried to hide the blush creeping it's way onto your face, but Damon seen it before you could turn your head away. He chuckled to himself, started the ignition and began to drive.

Bright lights mixed with the darkness of the night sky made the perfect romantic setting for a first date. Damon had booked a very expensive restaurant that allowed their guests to watch outside. "I thought it would be more romantic, having dinner under the stars." He held your hand as you walked towards the table, chatting a little about the constellations that were barely visible in the sky.

You and Damon sat down at the table and ordered your food before taking a sip of the very expensive champagne. Damon stared at you lovingly as you drank, causing you to let out a little giggle. "Stop that, Damon. Your gonna make me blush, again!" He reached over the table and took your hand in his, stroking the top of it with the pad of his thumb.

"I can't help but stare at you, Y/N. You're just so beautiful, especially in that dress. Your knees aren't the only ones that quivered when you opened that door. You took my breath away and, trust me, that hardly ever happens. You're somebody special, Y/N." Again, he kissed the top of your hand gently as if if he kissed to hard, your skin would shatter beneath his lips.

Tears had begun to gather in the corners of your eyes. You didn't think Damon would feel this strongly about you and, quite frankly, you were very glad he did because you felt exactly the same. A shiver ran down your back and Damon noticed, shrugging his jacket off and walking around to place it around your shoulders.

"Thank you, Damon. You're so sweet! The sweetest guy I have ever met." Damon smiled at this, threading his fingers through yours once more. After a few minutes, a waiter brought over your food and you and Damon got stuck in. You both ate in a comfortable silence, stealing little glances at each other every now and again.

When you had finished, Damon took your hand and guided you back over to his car. Again, he opened your door and helped you to sit down before getting into his seat. The drive back to your house was filled with light conversation and consisted of your hand constantly brushing against Damons, causing little bolts of electricity to run through your body.

Once you arrived, Damon took your arm and walked you up your driveway and to your front door. "Thank you for tonight, Damon. I had a wonderful time. You really know how to treat a girl right."

To say goodnight, you stood on your tiptoes and kissed Damon gently on the lips, unsure whether this was the right step to take. When he began to kiss back, it felt like magic was coursing through your body. The whole world faded into the background. Damon's hands moved from your waist to your face and the kiss began to get more passionate. You broke away and got the key out of your purse to unlock the door.

"Would you like to come in?"

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