Love Notes

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Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Fluff, Implied smut

Characters: Damon, Y/N

Description: Y/N had been leaving rather raunchy notes in Damon's jacket pocket but what happens when she does it at a family dinner?

Lately, you have been leaving sexual notes in Damon's jacket. You enjoyed watching his squirm in his seat as he reads them, giving him a mischievous smirk.

You also enjoyed what he did after he read the notes. He usually picks you up over his shoulder and carries you up to yours and Damons' shared bedroom to carry out the scenarios you had written on the notes.

However, you wanted to tease Damon a little more, so you decided to leave these notes in his pocket while you were attending a family dinner.

You noticed Damons' hand go into his pocket and his eyes widen when he realised what was in there. Secretly, Damon took the note out of his pocket and read it, a slight blush rising on his cheeks. You chuckled to yourself as he began to move around in his chair, indicating he was becoming uncomfortable.

Damon looked up at you and gave you an evil smirk. He got up from his seat and moved to sit next to you, his hand instantly landing on the inside of your thigh. You shot him a warning look, "Damon, don't". He flashed you a cheeky smile. "What? I'm not doing anything."

His hand began to creep further up your leg which was beginning to turn you on a little. You let out a little groan to which everybody looked up from the table. Your face turned bright red "Sorry, burp got stuck. Excuse me."

You hurriedly stood up from your chair and exited the room, Damon hot on your heels. "What did you do that for?" You looked up at Damon with your hands on your hips. "I decided to give you a little payback. If you can't take it, don't dish it out, sweetie."

Damon lifted your chin with his thumb and finger. He leaned down so there was only a little gap between you. "Your so sexy when your frustrated." He began to kiss your jawline as his other hand slid down your back and grabbed your ass. You squealed a little and began to get embarrassed.

"Let's go, Damon. I need you, NOW!" You dragged Damon out of the house and quickly sped away in the car, needing to relieve the ever growing warmth in your stomach.

And that is when you learnt that it's not very clever to sexually frustrate a vampire when your surrounded by people because he'll dish it back 10 times more.

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