Date Night In (18+)

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Pairing: Elijah x female!reader

Genre: Fluff, Smut

Characters: Elijah, Y/N, Klaus (mentioned), Rebekah (mentioned)

Description: Y/N and Elijah are spending some well-earned time together.

The past few months had been very scary and hectic. All of the vampires in New Orleans had been planning to overtake the werewolves and gain their territory which, of course, started an all out war with them. You and Elijah didn’t want anything to do with it but Klaus and Rebekah had pulled you into it. You nearly died a few times but luckily Elijah was always there to save you. When the war was over and both sides had lost a lot of members, you and Elijah left the Mikaelson building and moved into a place of your own.

You let out a content and happy sigh as you stood in your new kitchen. You closed your eyes and breathed in, letting all of the stress of the past months melt out of your body. You smiled as you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist and a pair of lips attach themselves to your neck.

“Hello, darling.” You turned around in Elijah’s arms and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Hello, baby.” Elijah pressed his forehead to yours and closed his eyes as one of his hands left your waist and found its way to your cheek. “I really don’t know what I would have done if I had lost you during that war.”

You noticed a hitch in Elijah’s breathing and lifted his face to meet yours. “Hey, don’t think about that. It’s all over now, I’m here and I’m safe.” You grazed your thumb across his cheek before placing a kiss to his forehead.

You both began to sway in each others arms even though there was no music playing. Elijah took his phone out of his pocket and put on a song and began to let the beat of the song lead his movements. The song was slow and steady which allowed you and Elijah to stay in each others arms and revel in each other. You leaned into Elijah’s ear and whispered. “What do you say we go and take a bath to relax ourselves? God knows we deserve it.” Elijah’s face immediately brightened at this suggestion and dragged you up the stairs laughing.

Elijah lay down in the bath first before motioning for you to get in. He moved his legs so there was space for you to fit in front of him. You leaned into his body and his arms wrapped around you. You stayed like that for a while before you felt short and sweet kisses being placed on the back of your neck. You let out a little moan before moving your head for Elijah to get a better angle.

His hands began to travel your body as he kissed further and further down your neck. You reached up and grabbed his neck, pulling him down to your lips. One of his hands travelled to your breast and began to massage the nipple, causing you to let out a moan in his mouth. At this, you felt his member twitch at the bottom of your back which caused you to shiver.

Getting up from your position, you lay down in front of Elijah and grabbed his member in your hand and began to pump up and down. Elijah’s eyes fluttered closed as his head bent back in pleasure. Your mouth then covered his member and you began to lick his tip before taking all of him in your mouth. His hands found their way to the back of your head and softly guided you. You began to suck faster and faster as you felt him getting closer and closer to his high.

White streams spurted in your mouth as Elijah let out a loud moan. You sat up on your knees and licked around your lips. Elijah leaned forward and pulled you back onto his lap, kissing you roughly. His hand found your clit and he began to rub slow circles as he kissed your sweet spot. You let out loud moans as the tension in your stomach built up with the constant stimulation.

Two fingers entered you and began to pump, not giving you any time to adjust. Your hands travelled to your breasts in an attempt to get to your orgasm quicker. Elijah entered a third finger and pumped at an inhuman speed which had you orgasming in seconds.

You fell flat against Elijah’s chest, your body being overcome with tiredness. His hands began to thread through your hair which sent a calm effect throughout your body. He kissed the top of your head before moving to get out, picking you up in his arms and carrying you into your shared room.

He lay you on your shared bed and helped you to get dressed before dressing himself. You got into the covers and closed your eyes. Elijah climbed into bed and brought you to his chest, his arm tight around you. You opened your eyes and smiled up at Elijah who bent down and placed a tender kiss on your lips. Elijah reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the remote, switching on the TV.

You both fell asleep curled up in each others arms, letting F.R.I.E.N.D.S play in the background.

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