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Pairing: Enzo x reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Characters: Enzo, Y/N, Stefan, Damon

A/N: Part 2 to Blood

Description: Y/N gets into a car crash with Enzo’s blood still in her system.

Enzo paced up and down the hospital corridor waiting for any word on you. Worry and anxiety coarsed through his veins as the hours ticked by. You had been in a bad accident on your way home from the Salvatore’s and was rushed to hospital.

Enzo sat down on a chair and put his head in his hands, his fingers running through his hair with anxiety. Tears began to stream down his face as the anxious wait continued for a few more hours until a nurse came running up to him, a solemn look on their face. Enzo looked up with a smile, which immediately disappeared when he seen the expression on their face.

“I’m so sorry, she’s gone.” Enzo once again placed his head in his hands and let out heart-wrenching sobs, letting the news of the tragedy wash over his body. “I want to see her.” The nurse nodded and walked Enzo to your room where your body lay, peaceful and still. He opened the door carefully and walked over to your bedside, taking your lifeless hand in his.

“I’m so sorry, my love. I should have been there to save you.” He sat down in the chair behind him and placed a tearful kiss on the top of your hand. “It’s my fault you were on that road. If only I had gotten more blood bags, this wouldn’t have happened.” The sound of Enzo’s sobs filled the room as the memories of you and him rushed through his memories.

His head bent low to rest on your hand so he didn’t notice your eyelids flickering open. You looked around frantically until you seen Enzo sitting beside you. You reached over and ran your fingers through his hair. “Hey, what’s the matter?”

Enzo sat up straight, a mixture of happiness, shock and confusion taking over him. “How-how are you alive? You were dead a few minutes ago! I don’t understand!” You inhaled sharply at the news you had been given. “I was dead?!” Enzo nodded and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion for a few seconds until realisation dawned upon him.

“Oh no. No,no. This cannot be happening.” Enzo got up from his chair and paced around the room once again, running his hands through his hair. “What? What’s the matter?” Enzo leaned against the bottom of your bed, his eyes burning into yours. “You had my blood in your system when you died, which means-“ “I’m a vampire”.

Enzo walked over to your bedside and took your hand in his. “Everything’s going to be OK. I’m going to help you transition. Help you cope and come to turns with your new abilities. We’re going to get through this.” You smiled down at Enzo but he could see the worry evident in your eyes. He crawled into the bed beside you and cradled you in his arms. You shot up as a thought raced through your mind. “How in the hell are we supposed to explain this to the doctors?”

Enzo laughed at your concern and took you once again in his arms. “Don’t worry love, I’ll sort that.” And as quick as a flash the bed was empty, leaving a lot of the doctors very confused.

It had been a few days since you turned and you had to say, you had been coping very well with the transition. Enzo had taught you everything he knew about using his abilities and helped you to cope with the thirst of blood, teaching you a few methods of keeping your thirst low. He taught you how to sneakily steal blood bags from hospitals but you refused to actively feed on humans, which Enzo agreed with.

Being a vampire had brought you and Enzo closer together and it enabled you to have a deeper understanding of what Enzo goes through day after day. You did have your down days and wanted to give in to the thirst of fresh blood but Enzo was always there to help you through it, as well as some extra support from Damon and Stefan.

You never thought you’d say it, but becoming a vampire was the best thing that could have happened to you. You were no longer afraid of the threats that were looming in the world around you and you knew that you and Enzo would be together forever, which is the only thing you have ever wished for.

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