Coming Out

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Pairing: None

Genre: Brotherly Love

Characters: Damon, Stefan

Description: Damon has been contemplating his sexuality lately. When he finally figures out that he's bisexual, he comes out to Stefan.

Lately, Damon has been confused about who he actually is. He had found himself in many situations that he didn't know how to handle. Currently, he was contemplating his sexuality. This had been on his mind for a while, he just refused to see it. Damon is a very outgoing ladies man who, he realised, is also attracted to men. He had come to this conclusion a couple of nights ago when he was talking to a man he had met in the Mystic Grill.

Damon was sat at the bar sipping his bourbon and minding his own business when a handsome man walked over and ordered a few drinks from the bar. Damon glanced at the stranger and felt a strange connection towards him. He shook his head a little and turned his head back towards the bar. What Damon didn't notice was that the man had seen him staring and had a coy smile on his face. "Like what you see?" Damon's eyes widened slightly at the comment and gulped. He hadn't expected the man to see him and Damon really didn't know how to handle this situation.

He turned hesitantly towards the man and gave a slight smile. "I'm Luke. And you are?" Luke held his hand out for Damon to shake, which he did. "Damon." Luke smiled a little which sent flutters through Damon's body. They both began to talk a little until Luke's drinks were served. "Well, Damon. It was lovely chatting to you. Maybe we could go out some time?" Luke took Damon's hand and wrote down a number, giving him a little wink. "Call me." Luke took the drinks and walked back to his table, leaving a very confused and bewildered Damon at the bar.

Since then, the only things that has been on Damon's mind is him being bisexual. He knew it was a good thing and everybody would accept him, he was just trying to figure out the words to tell people, especially Stefan. He had to tell him first. Stefan had been with him through everything, he supported Damon through the hardest of times so he knew he could count on him to support him through this to.

Damon was currently in the sitting room of the Salvatore house, lost in his own thoughts. Stefan had sat down beside him, talking about something that had happened during the day, but stopped when he realised that Damon wasn't listening.

"Damon, earth to Damon!" Stefan stood up and waved his hands in front of Damon's face which broke him out of his trance. Stefan sat back down and questioned his brother. "What's the matter, brother? You've been acting strange for days."

Damon let out a long sigh and turned to face Stefan, anxiety growing within the pit of his stomach. He opened his mouth to talk but no sound came out. Stefan gave Damon a quizzical look. "Damon, I'm sure it's not that bad. Nobody's died, at least not that I've heard. So what is it?"

Damon wasn't sure whether he was ready to tell Stefan what was whirring around in his head, but he knew that his brother would not let up about this. Damon took a deep breath, closed his eyes and let his words flow. "Stefan, brother, I'm bisexual. I've had a lot of time to think about this and I am quite sure that I am definitely not just attracted to women. Nobody else knows but I knew that I had to tell you, brother. I know that you will support me through this."

Damon opened his eyes to find that Stefan was smiling at him, clearly proud of what his brother had just confessed. Stefan leaned over and pulled his brother into a hug. "Of course I'll support you, Damon. We stick together no matter what, remember?"

Damon smiled and returned the hug, the anxiety leaving his body and leaving nothing but relief and calm.

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