Gone, Forever

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Requested by Mia1778

Pairing: Stefan Salvatore x fem!reader, Damon Salvatore x Elena Gilbert

Genre: Angst

Characters: Stefan, Y/N, Damon, Elena 

Description: Stefan and Y/N have switched off their humanity, which means Mystic Falls is threatened. Damon and Elena try to get them to switch it back on, but they seem too far gone.

What have you done?!"

Damon and Elena stood in the middle of a small cafe and looked around the room at the carnage the two vampires who stood before them had left behind. Stefan took a step forward and smiled widely, showing off the bloodstained teeth of his victims, and slowly walked towards Elena. Immediately noticing this, Damon took a protective stance and pushed her behind him to shield her. "Elena, we haven't done anything wrong. This is what we do. We drink people's blood, and if we kill them in the process, then oh well."

Damon shook his head. "No, brother. This is not what we do. Especially not you. What happened to protect people at all costs? What happened to the vegetarian diet you were on? The animal blood? I know I always joked about it, but it was the right thing to do for you." Elena moved from behind Damon and stepped forward, grabbing his hand in hers. "Please switch it back on, Stefan; we need you. I need you." Damon's shoulders dropped a little at her last words, a sense of sadness swirling around in his head. Stefan opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by footsteps behind Damon and Elena.

"I'm afraid he won't switch it back on; neither am I. We're happy like this. It's how we are meant to live." You strutted past the two and stopped beside Stefan, touching his chest. You pulled him down and attached your lips to his, and a fight between tongues ensued. A clearing of a throat interrupted your actions, and you both pulled away, happy that you had made your point.

"Please, guys. This isn't you. You both always believed that humans were better than us, that they needed and deserved protection, and they still do." Stefan took more steps towards Damon and stood toe to toe. "Listen here, brother, we're happy with how we are. This is us, and you're going to have to suck it up and live with it. The only way you're going to be able to stop us is by killing us, and I know for a fact you won't do that. Now leave us alone before I do something I might regret." He grabbed your hand, and you sped out of the cafe, leaving Damon and Elena to clean up your mess.

"What are we gonna do? They're too far gone now." Elena turned and hugged Damon, cuddling into his chest. "I don't know, Elena, but I do know that Mystic Falls is threatened with the two of them running around and killing people. We need to find another way to get them to switch or to keep them away from everyone without killing them." He kissed the top of her head and walked out of the cafe before phoning in reinforcements to help deal with the problem.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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