Bar Fight

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Pairing: Enzo x reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Characters: Enzo, Y/N

Description: Enzo and Y/N are having a date at a bar. Some men begin to get a little rowdy and shout things at Y/N. Enzo is not impressed.

A/n: Set in the 1950′s.

"Alright, m'lady. Take my hand and let me lead."

As usual, Enzo was being his charming self, taking you to a bar and showering you with compliments. As he said, you took his outstretched hand and allowed him to guide you towards the dance floor. Enzo tipped his hat at you before taking your other hand and wrapping it around his shoulder. He began to move around the dance floor, eloquently and freely, letting the tune of the music guide you both. At the end of the song, Enzo dipped you and placed a soft kiss upon your lips.

"Thank you, Enzo. That was lovely." You curtsied at him whilst he took your hand and kissed it. "It was my pleasure, love." He flashed you his signature smile and guided you towards an empty table.

"Hey, sweet thing! Come and dance like that with me. I can show you an even better time than him!" You could feel Enzo begin to squeeze your hand slightly in an attempt to keep himself calm.

"Just ignore them, my love. He's just a nigmenog*" You rubbed your free hand up and down his arm to try and calm Enzo down. It worked until another man began to shout towards you.

"C'mon, princess. Leave that chicken-heart* there and come and dance with a real man." You could feel Enzo begin to shake with anger.

"I really do suggest you stop." You seen the man edge his way towards you, which was when Enzo lept into action. He climbed over the table and ran towards the man, giving him a hard right-hook in the nose. A group of 4 men started to gang up on Enzo which was when he pulled out all of the stops. He beat everyone with quick proficiency and skill and in the end, was the only one left standing.

"C'mon, love. Let's leave these simpletons here. They know now not to mess with a gentleman's lady." Enzo gave you a quick kiss on the top of your head and walked you out of the bar.

*Nigmenog - A very silly fellow.

*Chicken-heart - coward

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