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Pairing: Enzo x reader

Genre: Angst

Characters: Enzo, Y/N

Words: 1300

Description: Y/N has recently been turned with Enzo's blood and they're sired to him. However, nobody realises this until they find out they can only feed on humans.

Your eyes fluttered open and took in your surroundings. You were in the Salvatore house, lying down on a sofa in the front room. Damon and Stefan were stood at the back of the room whilst Enzo was knelt down beside you, gripping your hand.

You smiled and squoze his hand causing Enzo to jump up from his seat in surprise. "Hey, handsome. You did a good job of saving me." A smile formed on your lips when Enzo leant down and pressed a kiss to your lips, tucking strands of hair behind your ears.

"About that, my love. There is something that you really need to know." Damon and Stefan both stepped forward and placed comforting hands on Enzo's shoulders. Enzo maneuvered himself onto the sofa, making sure that he was sitting across from you. He began to trace circles into the palm of your hand and began to take deep breaths to calm his nerves.

A confused look washed over your face at everybody's weird behaviour. "It can't be that bad, I'm alive! C'mon, you can tell me." Enzo took a deep breath and looked at you straight in the eyes, sadness and guilt evident in his.

"Y/N, my love. When you were injured, I managed to get some of my blood in your system and I thought it was enough to save you. But you died in my arms. It was the worst pain I have ever felt." Your head tilted to the side in confusion.

"But if I died, how come I'm here right..." Realisation dawned upon you and a swirl of emotions overcome you. "Are you saying that I'm a vampire?!" Enzo's head hung low which confirmed what you had been thinking. You closed your eyes and tried to get a hang on your emotions, trying not to let them spill over.

A mixture of thoughts were flying around your head at the same time, you really didn't know what to think. You sat up and placed your head in your hands, running your fingers through your hair, a trait that you exhibited when you were angry or anxious.

"What am I supposed to do? I don't know how to live like a vampire?! How am I supposed to explain this to my family, my friends?" Tears began to fall down your face and Enzo pulled you into his chest, placing his chin on top of your head. "Don't worry, Y/N. Me, Damon and Stefan are going to help you through this."

"We are?" Damon was leaning against the wall when he earned a dig in the elbows from Stefan. "Ow! I mean we are!" Your tears soon turned to laughter at Damon's reaction and you sat away from Enzo's chest, but still keeping hold of his hand.

"Alright. What's the first step of being a vampire?" A wide grin emerged onto Enzo's face when he realised you were coming around to living your new life. "Well, my dear. The first step is to drink blood. I recommend human blood, it's the best out there."

Stefan stepped forward and crossed his arms across his chest. "Enzo, seriously! You know how much they were against that!" You jumped up from the sofa and made your way to the front door. "No, Stefan. I want to drink human blood! It's the best out there!"

Enzo got up from his place on the sofa and followed you out of the door, giving Stefan a smug smile as he left.

Stefan stood still in place, mouth hanging open in shock. "Damon, what just happened?" Damon stepped forward and clapped Stefan on the back. "Well, brother. I'm afraid you've just been proved wrong."

Stefan shook his head as Damon made his way out of the door to follow you both. "But it just doesn't make sense. I don't understand how Y/N could be against it one minute and goes for it the next. Unless...." Stefan's eyes widened in realisation and shock as he came to his conclusion. Within a flash, Stefan ran out of the door and followed you into the woods.

"Now, my love. You have to be careful not to drain them entirely otherwise we'll have a lot of dead bodies on our hands." You nodded your head in understanding and carefully made your way through the woods until you spotted a lonely hiker through the clearing of trees.

You looked back at Enzo and he nodded, giving you the all-clear. Quietly, you snook around the trees, stepping lightly on the leaves below your feet. You were edging closer and closer towards the hiker when you heard a faint shouting in the distance. Figuring it was a party nearby, you shook your head and carried on towards your pray.

Sneaking up behind the unwilling soul, you sank your teeth into their neck and began drinking their blood, the cool liquid feeling fresh on your dried throat. "Y/N, no! Don't! You don't want to do this!"

You let go of the hiker and threw them to the floor. "But I do, Stefan. Human blood is the best for me!" You began to make your way further into the woods when Stefan grabbed your arm.

"No, Y/N. That's not what you think. That's what Enzo thinks. You're sired to him, Y/N, which means that whatever he says to you, you believe and you will do. I don't want you turning into something that your not."

Enzo and Damon came running from behind Stefan. "Stefan, mate. Let go of them!" Stefan turned towards him, you still in his grasp. "I can't Enzo, they're sired to you. You need to break the bond."

"I don't know how!" Enzo threw his hands up in the air whilst Damon's face contorted into a mixture of realisation and dread. "The only way I know how to break it is to tell them to switch their humanity off. Because Y/N loves you, when they turn their humanity off, they will no longer have feelings for you which will break the bond."
Enzo dipped his head down in sadness. "No, there's got to be another way. I can't lose Y/N. They're the best thing that has ever happened to me." Damon wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "I know, but we can't let them keep feeding on people. Sooner or later, somebody's going to end up dead, and that's something that we don't want."

Enzo shrugged Damon's arm off his shoulders and walked towards you, placing both of his hands on your shoulders. Tears began to stream down his face as he took in each and every feature of your face. "Y/N, do you know how much I love you?" You tilted your head to the side in confusion but nodded your head in response. "Then you know that I'm only asking you to do this because I love you and I know that you wouldn't want to hurt anybody."

You placed a hand on Enzo's cheek and rubbed your thumb across his stubble. He leaned into the warmth of your hand and kissed your palm, closing his eyes. "Alright, my love. This is it. I'm going to need you to switch off your humanity, but please remember the person that you used to be. The person that everybody loves and adores. You're not a monster, Y/N, you're the person that I love."

When he opened his eyes, he was met with a stone-cold expression on your face, instead of the warm, loving one he was faced with moments ago. Seeing that expression on your face completely shattered his heart. In that moment, he knew that the love that you once felt for him was gone.

Within a split second, you were gone, vanished. Enzo knelt down on the ground and sobbed. He didn't know whether he was going to see you again, or whether you were ever going to love him again.

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