Tumblr Halloween Event (2)

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Pairing: Enzo x siphon!fem!reader

Enzo was becoming more and more worried about his enemies that were threatening Mystic Falls and, more importantly, you. He knew that you were more than capable of defending and taking care of yourself but there was always that one time that you wouldn't be able to, and that's what scared him the most. Enzo had come up with a plan, a diabolical one, but he knew that after it had been carried out that you would be even more powerful.

You could tell that something was bothering Enzo as he sat on the sofa in your sitting room twiddling his thumbs. "Enzo, honey, what's the matter?" You took a seat next to him and wound a reassuring arm around his shoulders. Before answering, he ran his hands across his face in frustration and turned to you, giving a sad smile.

"I feel so helpless in all of this. I'm not strong enough to protect you from the threats that we face. I know you can take care of yourself but I'm worried that just one time, you won't be able to and they'll take you away from me forever. I don't know if I'll ever be able to live with myself if something happened to you."

His eyes began to brim with tears as his emotions began to get the better of him. "Oh, Enzo." You brought him into your chest and rested your chin on his head. "Everything's going to be alright." You pressed a kiss to his hair and squoze him tightly.

He pulled away and wiped his eyes. "There is something that I've been mulling over, though I don't know whether you'll like it." You raised your eyebrows and encouraged him to carry on. "I could turn you, make you into a hybrid. That way, you'll be stronger than all of them." Your mouth opened wide in shock. You had never once thought of becoming a vampire, you had never wanted to, but if you had to admit, you were a little scared yourself about the upcoming threats.

Your mouth soon turned upwards into a smile as Enzo's suggestion sunk in. "That is actually a good idea, coming from you anyway. I want to be able to protect not only myself, but you aswell. I love you, Enzo, and I want to be able to fight alongside you, properly." Enzo leaned in a placed a soft kiss to your lips, holding your hands in his. "I love you to, my love."


Enzo had gotten you comfortable in your bedroom after feeding you his blood. A small tear fell down his cheek as he knew what he was going to have to do next. He knew that you were going to be coming back but he still didn't feel good about it.

You could sense what he was feeling and placed a warm hand on his cheek, giving a warm smile. "Hey, it's alright. This is my choice. I'll come back to you, I always will." He leaned into your touch before leaning down to place a kiss on your lips, his hand moving around your neck. With one swift movement of his wrist your head had turned at a horrible angle, your neck clearly broken.

Enzo let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before carefully lifting you in his arms, walking down the stairs and outside to his car where he placed you carefully in the trunk. He didn't want to attract any unwanted attention to himself with an unconscious woman in the back of his car. Enzo swept a few strands of hair out of your face before shutting the trunk and heading over to the Salvatore house.

Damon came out of the house as soon as he heard the engine of the car a few miles away. He brought Enzo in for a hug but he could sense that something was off. "Enzo, what's going on?" Enzo shifted his weight from one leg to the other before motioning Damon towards the trunk of the car. Damon opened it and his eyes widened. "Er, why is there a dead body in your trunk?" He leaned in to have a closer look. "No, actually, why is Y/N in the trunk of your car, dead?! What happened, Enzo?! If this was you, I swear to god.."

Damon ran towards Enzo but he easily dodged out the way, his hands in the air in surrender. "She's got my blood in her system, she's going to come back." Damon was clearly seething, his breathing becoming more and more ragged with anger. "What on Earth is going on?! What did you do to her?!" He pushed Enzo up against the wall of the house, pressing him hard against the bricks.

"It was a mutual decision. With the threats that are coming, we were both worried that she wouldn't be able to defend herself. By turning her, she'll become a vampire-witch hybrid, becoming stronger than any of us. This is the only way I could think of to keep her safe. I love her too much to not do anything. I can't loose her, Damon. At least this way, she's more protected."

Damon's grip against him faltered and he eventually let go. He stepped away and nodded in understanding. "You should have told me what you were going to do. I could have made things easier for you both." Enzo clapped him on the shoulder and smiled. "Thanks for understanding, brother... There is one thing I must ask of you. I need you to protect and take care of her during the transition and teach her everything that you know."

Damon smiled and gave a small nod. "Of course, you didn't even need to ask." 

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