First Time Together (18+)

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Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Fluff, Smut, angst?

Characters: Damon, Y/N

Description: Y/N is touch starved and is not used to people touching her. When Damon and Y/N have their first time, Damon takes care of her and is very sweet.

Throughout your life, you had little to no physical contact with anybody. Your parents had abandoned you and left you to grow up in the system. Whenever you had been accepted into a new family, you always shied away from them because you knew that they weren't your real parents. This affected you in later life as well.

Stemming from the abandonment, you had very bad trust issues and found it hard to build a relationship with anybody, especially men. They just didn't understand how the abandonment had affected you and they didn't care. Your relationships lasted 1 or 2 weeks at the most; until you met Damon.

Damon is a completely different man to all of the others. You bonded over your traumas and became closer day by day. He fully accepted and understood what you were feeling and always tried to make you feel better. Eventually, your feeling for each other blossomed and Damon asked you out. You said yes, of course, and now you were in the longest relationship you have ever had, feeling very happy.

You were still getting used to the physical aspects of your relationship which brought out Damon's caring and loving side. He always made sure you felt 100% whenever you were holding hands or cuddling on the couch, which is what made you decide to lose your virginity to him.

"Y/N, are you sure?" Damon's eyes lit up and you could feel a mixture of happiness and nervousness bubbling up inside you. "I'm sure, Damon. I trust you." You shuddered as he moved a hair from your face and tucked it behind your ear. Damon chuckled and leaned in to kiss you.

He was slow and gentle, allowing you to get used to the feeling. You nearly cried with how much contact you were having, you couldn't believe how much you needed it. Slowly, you built up the confidence to kiss him back, earning a little growl from Damon. You felt a slight tingle in the pit of your stomach at this noise and began to get hungrier with the kisses, fully enjoying the feelings it was giving you.

Damon slid you down to a lying position on the bed, slowly and carefully so he didn't overstimulate you. Your heart burst with love as he done this, you could truly tell that he loved and respected you.

He lifted up your top and began to trace featherlight kisses down your body, causing you to groan at the new feeling. This sound spurred Damon on. He took off your top and began to massage your breasts whilst leaving down to kiss you again. You whined at the feelings mixing together.

Damon left your breasts and made his way down your stomach to your jeans. He undid the button and slowly pulled them down your legs. As his hands brushed past your pussy, you felt yourself being turned on causing you to let out a groan.

Damon grinned at the lovely sound that left your lips and pulled down your panties, extra slow. Feeling the cold air against your wet sex, you closed your legs and your cheeks began to flush with embarrassment.

"Y/N, you don't need to hide from me. You are so beautiful and I want to show you how much you mean to me." He crawled upwards towards you and planted a deep kiss on your lips, sending a flood full of feelings to flow through your body.

When Damon took his sort off, your eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets. You ran your hands over his abs and revelled in the feelings that it gave you. He gave you another kiss before crawling off you and taking his jeans off.

Butterflies fluttered in the pit of your stomach when you noticed how large his member was. He walked up to the bottom of the bed and bent down to kiss the inside of your legs.

"Are you sure, sweetheart? We don't have to, we can stop right here." You nodded your head and Damon crawled over to you once more and placed tender kisses to your sweet spot. You felt Damon rub his member against your opening and you felt a jolt of electricity in your pussy.

He slowly pushed in causing you to whimper a little in pain as you adjusted to his size. The pain was quickly subsidised by pleasure when Damon started to push in and out.

Feelings you had never felt before coarsed through your body and your skin was on fire with all of the physical contact. You pulled Damon down onto your lips and gave him a passionate kiss, spurring him on.

"I'm gonna cum, D." This made Damon go faster to ride you through your orgasm. You felt spurts of liquid enter you as Damon orgasmed and fell down beside you.

He pulled you into his arms and kissed the top of your head. "Are you ok, baby?" You nodded your head. "That was the best experience I've ever had. Thank you. I love you." He smiled at these sweet words. "I love you to. Now go to sleep, you deserve it."

The soft thumping of his heart and the rhythm of his breathing lulled you off to sleep, leaving Damon stroking your hair and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

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