Touch Starved

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Pairing: Enzo x reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Characters: Enzo, Y/N

Description: Enzo has never really been cared for in his life, so when Y/N comes along and begins to show him affection, he falls for her in every way possible.

All his life, Enzo has felt lonely. Nobody has ever cared for him in the way that he needed. Whenever he met anybody that could even remotely fill the void, his hope sky rocketed. He would finally be happy and feel complete. But each time, his hopes were crushed. They didn't care for him, they just wanted a quick fling. The void he felt began to grow bigger and bigger which plunged him into a state of depression. He thought that he would never be able to feel effective human contact that would help him. Until he met you.

You both first met in a supermarket. You had dropped your purse on the floor and Enzo bent down to grab it just as you did. Your hands brushed each other and Enzos breath hitched in his throat at the new found feeling. He stepped back a little and held out your purse to you, earning a quizzical look. "Thank you, I'm so clumsy. Are you ok? You seem a little taken aback." You took your purse back and placed it in your bag, just as Enzo disappeared. You shook your head in disbelief and carried on walking.

Ever since that day, Enzo hasn't been able to keep his mind off you. Something about the way your touch made him feel changed him slightly. He wanted to feel it again, to be happy. He had to see you again. He knew that you were the one that was going to cure him.

A few weeks later, you bumped into each other at the local bar. The same feeling rushed through Enzos body as your hands made contact. He smiled to himself and set himself a mission to get you to be his.

You were sitting at the table with some friends when you noticed a figure staring at you out of the corner of your eye. "Hey, guys. I'll be right back." You got up from your chair and walked over to the mysterious figure, ready tk confront them. When you were closing in, you recognised the man straight away, nobody could forget that chilled jawline. "Hey, aren't you the guy who bumped into me yesterday at the supermarket? What happened to you? You just ran off."

Enzo smiled at you and held out his hand which you reluctantly accepted. "Dont worry, love. I'm fine, everythings fine. Let's go and dance." You were transfixed with this mystery man. There was so much you needed to know about him, but you couldn't find the words to ask. Something about him drew you to him and you liked the rush he gave you.

Enzo led you towards the dancefloor and wrapped his arm around your back, shuddering at the contact. He loved the rush you gave him and he needed more. You placed your hands around his neck as you both swayed in time to the music.

Enzo could feel the void inside him closing at the feeling of your touch. He needed you in his life, you were going to be the one who saved him.

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