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Pairing: Stefan x reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Characters: Stefan, Y/N

Description: Whilst shopping for groceries, Y/N is attacked by a group of teenagers.

T/W: Inappropriate touching.

"Hey babe? I'm just going out to get some groceries, I'll be back soon!" You closed the front door behind you and got into your car, turning the key in the ignition.

Once you arrived at the store, you exited the car and noticed a group of 3 teenage boys standing at the corner. They wolf-whistled and eyed you up as you walked past them and into the store. You shook your head in disapproval and muttered to yourself.

You walked around the store and gathered all of the groceries you needed. You peeked outside the window and seen that the teenagers were still there, a pang of anxiety shot through you. You thanked the cashier and made your way out of the store, trying to walk past the group without a commotion.

As you walked past them, they wolf-whistled again and you felt a hand touch the small of your back.

"Hey there, sweet cheeks. What's a beautiful girl like you doing out alone at this time?"

Another teenager blocked your way to your car. "Please get out of my way. I just want to go home." He backed you up into the alley next to the store, the rest of the teenagers blocking your way out.

Your hand snuck into the pocket of your coat and dialed your emergency contact, which was Stefan. You heard the phone give three rings and Stefan's gravelly voice answer.

"Hello? Y/N, you Ok?" You heard the tone in Stefan's voice turn slightly worried when you didn't answer back.

"C'mon sweetheart. We don't want to hurt you, we just want a little fun, that's all." You felt a hand creep up the inside of your thigh and you pushed it away, earning a slap to the face from him.

Upon hearing this, you could hear Stefan rustling around to find his keys. "They better not fucking hurt you or I swear, I will rip their HEADS off!"

One of the teenagers heard the noises coming from your pocket and reached inside to find the source. "Oh, you clever girl, phoning your boyfriend. What makes you think he'll get here in time to save your pretty ass?"

With this he turned you and pushed you to the floor, earning a cry in pain from you. You looked down and you had landed awkwardly on your arm. You tried to crawl backwards away from the three teenagers but it was no good. One of them straddled you and began to unbutton your shirt.

"Now, you're going to lie here like a good little bitch, and I will make good on that promise of not hurting you?" You closed your eyes and tears began to trickle down your face. "Please, don't."

You were too weak to push him off you which is why you felt his hands quickly come off you. You looked around and seen a figure standing between you and the 3 teenagers.

"If you ever come near her again, I will do more than just throw you against the walls." Stefan growled and bared his teeth at them. The teenagers ran away from Stefan and you heard footsteps come towards you.

You began to cry as Stefan lifted you to sit. "Hey, calm down, baby. They're gone. They can't hurt you anymore."

He lifted you into his arms and began to carry you towards his car. "Thank you, Stefan, for saving me. I didn't know whether you would get here in time." He placed you down in the passenger seat of his car and knelt down to your eye-level.

"I will always come when you call, every time. No matter what. I love you, Y/N and nothing like this will ever happen again, I promise. Now, lets get you to the hospital and get that arm fixed up."

Stefan kissed the top of your head and gave you a reassuring smile. You were back safe and sound again, with your protector, your love and light. With him around, you knew nothing would be able to hurt you again.

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