Tickle War

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Pairing: Klaus x reader

Genre: Fluff, implied smut

Characters: Klaus, Y/N

Description: Y/N has started a tickle war which she had no way of stopping.

For the past few months, Klaus’ attention has been everywhere else but on you and you were beginning to get tired of it. You knew that he was under a lot of stress with the supernatural goings on in this town of New Orleans, but you wanted to be able to spend time with him aswell. So, before Klaus returned from his daily errand of battling the other vampires in town, you managed to whip up Klaus’ favourite food for dinner and dimmed the lights down enough to light candles to create a romantic atmosphere.

You could barely contain your excitement as the door opened and Klaus walked inside. “My love, what is all this?” He walked towards you and bent his head down to kiss you. “Well, I figured that you’ve been under a lot of stress recently and we haven’t really spent any time together so I made your favourite dinner and bought your favourite wine. I want you to be stress free.” He looked down at you with nothing but love in his eyes. “What did I ever do to deserve somebody like you?”

He placed another kiss on your lips before heading into the kitchen and sitting at the table. You also took your place at the table and you both began to serve up your meals. Throughout the meal, you and Klaus basked in the feeling of being alone once again with no interruptions, normal or supernatural. Klaus took the last mouthful of his meal and sat back in his chair with a bright smile on his face, watching you take your last mouthful.

Sensing that he was staring at you, your cheeks began blush bright red. “What are you staring at?” Klaus stood up from the table and walked around to you, holding out his hand. You tilted your head to the side in confusion and took his hand. He guided you into the living room and stopped in the centre, switching on some slow music. He wrapped his arms around you and guided you around the room in a slow dance, never once taking his eyes off you.
You both stayed in each others arms, dancing to the music and content with each others presence. You never wanted this moment to end. You felt a little sad when the song did eventually end, which Klaus sensed. He sat down on the sofa and tapped the space beside him, indicating that he wanted you to join him.

Taking this invitation, you snuggled into the side of him with your head laying on his chest. “Thank you for this, Y/N. I needed this distraction and it was perfect.” He smiled down at you. “I love you so much.” Leaning up, you place a long and slow kiss on his lips in response, only coming away for air.
You both stayed on the couch for a while, neither one of you wanting to move. You could feel yourself beginning to fall asleep so you moved a little, but you must have brushed a ticklish part of Klaus because he wriggled slightly in response to your movement.

A mischievous thought crossed your mind as a wide smile spread across your face. You snuck your fingers underneath his shirt towards his ticklish spot, and enacted your plan. As soon as your fingers found the spot, Klaus was giggling and wriggling around as your tickling overcome him. “Stop, Y/N.” He said this between laughs and you shook your head in response. “Not a chance, Klaus. The fact that you told me to stop makes it so much more enjoyable.”

Your hands began to roam his body in search of other ticklish parts. Whilst you were distracted, Klaus managed to switch your positions so he was on top of you. ‘Now, it’s my turn.” The same mischievous smile emerged onto Klaus’ face as he began to tickle you.

The tickling soon led to kissing, passionate and fiery, which then led to sex. Neither of you knew how much you needed this time together but you were both grateful for it.

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