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Pairing: Rebekah x reader

Genre: Fluff, tiny bit of angst

Characters: Rebekah, Y/N

Description: Y/N is a new vampire and is finding it hard adjusting to their new life.

“Why, Becky. Why can’t we go?”

You were stood in your kitchen, leaning against the counter with your arms folded across your chest and a pout forming on your lips. “You know why we can’t go, darling. It’s too dangerous.” You stomped your foot in irritation which made Rebekah raise her eyebrows. “I hate being a vampire, we can’t go anywhere or do anything in case we get seen. It’s not fair!”

You stomped away to your bedroom, leaving Rebekah standing alone with a dish towel in her hand. She knew how badly you wanted to do normal human things and it killed her inside knowing that you won’t be able to. An idea struck Rebekah as she dropped the dish towel onto the floor and picked up her phone to get her plans in place.

You’re a new vampire which means that you find it harder to control your bloodlust when you're around humans, which is why it would be dangerous to step outside. You had only been a vampire for a few months, turned by Rebekah after she found you nearly dead in an alleyway. She had been instantly captivated by you and instantly knew that she couldn’t live without you. It was hard at first trying to control the anger and the bloodlust but Rebekah helped you through the worst of it, which is how you developed romantic feelings for her. You knew that she felt the same way and instantly went in for a kiss, which cemented your feelings. You both haven’t looked back since.

Lying in bed, you couldn’t help but feel the guilt rising up inside you after what you had just said. “I hate being a vampire!”. A few stray tears fell from the corners of your eyes as you played the scene over and over in your head. You knew why Rebekah saved you that day and then you threw it back in her face. You hid under the covers and sobbed, not hearing a light tapping on the door.

The door opened and footsteps headed towards you. You felt a slight weight on the edge of the bed where you were lying and peeked through the covers to see Rebekah smiling down at you. “Hello, sweetheart.” She pushed the covers off your head and began to run her fingers through your hair. You sat up slightly and stared at her with a confused expression on your face.

“Why-why aren’t you mad at me? I basically insulted you back there?” Rebekah looked at you and smiled before giving a loud chuckle. “If I was mad every time somebody insulted me, I would have gone crazy by now.” You gave a small smile before turning away from her, feeling your lip curling into a pout once more, the emotion becoming too much for you. Rebekah placed her hand on your cheek and turned you to face her, attaching her lips to yours. You both melted into the kiss, your lips both moving together.

Rebekah pulled away and stood up, holding her hand out for you to take. “What was that for?” You took her hand and stood up, letting her lead you out of the bedroom. “I had to remove that pout from your face, so I did.” You smiled at your beautiful girlfriend as she led you down the stairs and into the dining room.

You stared in awe at the lengths Rebekah had gone to to make this happen for you. “I know we can’t go to a restaurant, so I brought it home to you.”

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