My Princess

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Prompt: "How am I supposed to spoil you if you won't accept my gifts?" 

Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Fluff, implied smut

Characters: Damon, Y/N

Description: Damon wants to shower Y/N with love and gifts but she's having none of it.

Today is your birthday. The one day of the year that you absolutely hated. Every year, people always go out of their way to make the day all about you, which is what you didn't like; you hated being the centre of attention.

All day Damon has been following you around like a lost puppy. "C'mon, Y/N. It's your special day. How am I supposed to spoil you if you won't accept my gifts?" You turned around and gave him a peck on the lips before walking away.

"Easy. Don't spoil me."

Damon groaned inwardly in frustration at your annoying actions. All he wanted to do was spoil his favourite girl on her birthday, but you were making it extremely hard. He was leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest, when the perfect idea came to him.

After a few hours, you were beginning to get a little suspicious of Damons whereabouts. After his moaning and groaning earlier and following you around, you expected him to try and persuade you to accept his gifts.

Curiously, you stepped out of yours and Damons shared bedroom and was a little taken aback by the trail of rose petals that were lined on the floor.

Along the corridor, the rose petals turned off into the entrances of the different rooms of the house. In each one you found an object, wrapped up perfectly in sparkly paper with a note reading: For My Princess x.

A smile lit up on your face as you opened the gifts, each one as special as the next. As you reached the end of the corridor, you noticed that the rose petals ran down the stairs and into the dining room.

Carrying all of your gifts you followed the trail, excitement brewing in your stomach. Once you reached the entrance of the dining room, your mouth hung open.

The dining table was set up in the middle, two candles alight on top of it with light music playing in the background. A heavenly scent made its way to your nose as Damon walked in, placing a tray on the table.

Noticing you, a large smile crept on his face. Your eyes were now filled with love and wonder for the man standing before you. You placed the gifts down on an empty chair and walked over to Damon, engulfing him in a hug.

You looked up into his eyes and placed a delicate kiss on his lips. "Thank you, Damon. You actually found a way for me to enjoy my birthday. Nobody has ever gone to this much effort for me. I love you so much."

Damon answered with a lighthearted smile and a peck to the top of your head. He grabbed your hand gently and guided you towards the table, pulling out the chair for you to sit down. He made his way around the table and took his seat across from you.

"I knew I'd find a way to make this day tolerable for you, darling. You're my princess and I wanted to show you just how much you mean to me." You smiled wide at the cute nickname he had donned for you.

He leaned across the table and placed a gentle but passionate kiss to your lips. You gladly returned the kiss, opening your mouth slightly. Damon pulled away, earning a whimper from you.

"First, we eat. Then we can get to that. I'm going to take you in ways you have never been taken before, Y/N. Just you wait."

That sentence had you dripping for him, you couldn't wait for this dinner to be over, for him to have you whichever way he wanted.

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