Sick and Soft

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Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Damon, Y/N

Description: Y/N is sick and only wants Damon to look after her. They are both very smitten with each other. When Damon stays the night, Y/N confesses her feelings for him.

Tissues surrounded your bed as you threw another one on top of the ever growing pile. You groaned in frustration and flounced back down on the bed, covering your eyes with your hand.

For the last few days, you had been suffering from a very bad cold. Your head was pounding, your nose was running non-stop and your temperature was a little on the high side. You rolled over and grabbed your phone, hitting number 1 on your speed dial.

The phone rung a few times before a voice answered. "Hello? Y/N, are you OK?" You smiled at the worried tone in Damon's voice before answering. "D, I'm sick. Please can you come over?" You could hear Damon shuffling around on the other end of the phone. "Sure, I'll be there in 5."

You hung up the phone and rolled back over with a wide smile on your face. You and Damon are very smitten with each other, always doing whatever the other wants, which is why you asked him to come over. You loved having Damon around, he made you feel safe and loved. He to loved having you around, you are his whole world, nothing else matters to him.

The front door opened and closed before footsteps sounded up the wooden stairs and stopped in front of your room. The door opened and Damon walked in, a sad look on his face. His eyes trailed your sick form, a sad feeling deep in his stomach. He hated seeing you like this when there was nothing he could do to help you.

You looked over at him and patted the bed beside you. Damon immediately rushed over and climbed in the bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you. A warm sensation filled your body as Damon's hands ran over your arms. You leaned into his touch and you felt his lips peck the top of your head. Your eyes began to roll as Damon began to hum your favourite song. You let the tune of the song lull you off to sleep.

You awoke to birds chirping and sunlight peeping through the curtains. You felt a pair of lips attach themselves to the top of your head and you smiled. Slowly, you turned yourself around in Damon's arms to face him. You looked up at Damon and gave him a wide smile before taking his hand in yours.

"Thank you, D. Thank you for always being here for me when I need you. You have been the bestest friend I could ever ask for. I love you." Your eyes widened in shock as the last three words left your mouth. Damon, on the other hand, smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before bringing your lips to his.

You breathed out a soft sigh when you both broke apart, a small smile growing on your face. "I love you to, Y/N. You are my world and I want you to know how much you mean to me." You grabbed his hand and kissed it. "Well, how about you cook us both some breakfast and I'll get myself washed up before we spend the day cuddled on the sofa watching movies?"

"That sounds great, sweetheart."

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