Vampire Life

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Pairing: Enzo x reader, Dean x reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Characters: Enzo, Y/N, Dean, Sam

A/N: Part 2 to Augustine

Description: Y/N hasn't seen the Winchesters since she was turned into a vampire. Upon chance, the Winchesters end up in the same town as her and Enzo.

The scent of blood flooded your senses as you neared your prey. The closer you crept, the stronger the scent became. You felt your fangs protrude from your gums and your eyes blackened as your vampire side took over you.

Slowly you crept up behind your prey, stalking their every move, and pounced, their legs buckling underneath them. Your fangs pierced the neck and you began to suck, the metallic taste of the blood hitting the back of your throat.

"Well done, my love." You stood up and wiped the excess blood off your face before walking over to Enzo, wrapping your arms around his waist. "Not bad for a first time, eh?" You winked at Enzo before walking away from the scene, leaving him to clean up the remnants.

It has been a few weeks since you met Enzo and began your new life as a vampire. At first it was tough trying to deal with your heightened emotions and the excruciating hunger for blood, but Enzo had gotten you through it. He had been your rock through your transition and you couldn't thank him enough. Because of your previous life as a hunter, you outright refused to feed on people so Enzo had been helping you to hunt and feed on animals.

The only regret you had was leaving Sam and Dean, especially Dean. They had been part of your life for so long. You had meant to visit the boys, but you had been so caught up with adjusting to vampirism that you hadn't even called them. Secretly, you were hoping that you would bump into them, just so you could tell them how amazing your experience had been.

Sam was sitting at the library table with his fingers dancing over the laptop keys whilst Dean was rummaging through some box that he found in the storage room.

"Dean, I think I've found something." Sam turned the laptop around expecting to see Dean at the other end of the table ready to read about the new case. Instead, he was met with Dean's backside still in the air with half of his body emerged into the box.

A small smirk graced Sam's face as an idea popped into his head. He jumped up from the table and quietly walked around to Dean. He laughed quietly to himself before kicking Dean's ass, causing him to fall head first into the box.

Sam fell on the floor laughing with tears falling down his face at the sight of Dean's flailing legs above the box. "SAMMY! Get me the hell out!" Between laughs, Sam managed to muster the strength to pull him out of the box, revealing a very red-faced and frustrated Dean.

Dean shot Sam a death glare before spotting the laptop on the table and walking over to it, whacking him on the back of the head. His eyes scanned the screen and widened when he spotted some worrying words: 'bodies drained of blood'.

He looked at Sam and a silent message was sent between them. "You don't think it's Y/N, do you?" Sam shook his head and placed his hands on his hips. "I'm not sure, Dean. We don't know how Enzo has influenced her. He could have made her into a monster."

A sinking feeling filled Dean as he thought about having to kill you, his best friend. He leant on the table and banged it in frustration. "Godammit! Why does this always happen?!"

Sam patted his brother on the shoulder and began to make his way towards the Impala. "I'm sure we'll be able to sort something out with her. After all, she is our best friend." A sense of doubt was evident as Sam finished speaking. Truthfully, he didn't know how you were going to react to he and Dean rolling up and confronting you.

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