Best Friends?

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Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Fluff, a little angst

Characters: Damon, Y/N, Elena

Description: Damon and Y/N are best friends. One night, they get drunk and make out. However, Elena catches them in the act and becomes angry at Damon....

Sometimes, it was hard being best friends with Damon Salvatore. You always got pulled into the supernatural business of Mystic Falls or into Salvatore family squabbles. One thing that you never expected, though, was to be the reason Damon and Elena split up. It all started with a kiss on a drunken Friday night....

Outside was pouring with rain, so yours and Damon's plans of going to the movies were a bust. You were both sitting in the library sipping whiskey and giggling with each other. "I can definitely feel something now, D."

"Bet you can with the amount of whiskey you've put away!" Damon laughed and threw back another glass of whiskey. "Think I'm buzzed, to." His hand went to his head and he blinked his eyes slowly, bringing them into focus.

"About time! How many of those have you had?" You maneuvered in your seat to face Damon, a slight laugh echoing in your voice. "Errr, 10?" Damon held up his fingers and began to count with them, a confused expression emerging on his face.

"Wow, 10 and you're only just buzzed? You really need to catch up with me!" You jumped up from your seat on the sofa and danced away to the kitchen, searching for two bottles of the strongest bourbon. Found in the back of the cupboards, you grabbed them both and skipped back to Damon, who had a slight smile on his face.

"What you smiling for?" You passed Damon a bottle and took your seat opposite him. He got up from his seat and walked to sit next to you. "Elena never does anything like this with me. Shes always trying to change the basic things that make me, me. I guess I'm trying to say thank you for spending tonight with me like this." A slight blush appeared on his cheeks as he finished his sentence. He noticed your demeanour change slightly and sighed a little.

"I love spending time with you, D. Your the best person I know, you dont need to change. You're perfect just the way you are." You could feel the atmosphere in the room change slightly as you finished your sentence. The room was silent for a few seconds, apart from the pitter patter of rain on the windows. You and Damon stared at each other and slowly began to move towards each other.

Damon shuffled closer to you and placed his hands on your face, caressing your cheeks. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. Electricity soared through you and you grabbed onto the back of Damon's head, pushing him closer to you. A battle of tongues and teeth began as the kiss once tender became hungry and passionate. Damon stood up, taking you with him, and placed you down on the sofa on your back. Wrapping your hands around his neck, you pulled him into you once again, resuming the kiss. You and Damon were so entranced with each other that you didn't hear the door unlock and footsteps sound on the floorboards. The footsteps made their way towards the library and stopped abruptly.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Damon and you jumped up off the couch and faced the direction of the voice. Elena stood in front of the bith of you, a look of murderous rage on her face. "Elena, baby, I can explain." Damon stepped towards her but Elena stepped back. "Explain what, Damon? How you accidentally fell onto Y/N and your mouth accidentally found hers? Go to hell, Damon." Elena stormed out of the room and out of the front door.

You and Damon both winced as the door slammed shut and looked at each other, a look of guilt evident on both of your faces. "I guess I should go after her." You could have sworn you seen a slight loom of disappointment on his face as he said this, as if he wanted to stay with you, but you shoved it out of your mind and agreed with his decision. "Yeah, i think that'll be best. I'll jaur grab my bag and I'll go home." Damon nodded and ran out of the door after Elena, leaving you with mixed feelings about the situation that you had found yourself in.

A few days had passed since you kissed Damon and you had heard nothing. You guessed he had made up with Elena and she wanted him not to contact you again, which was fair because you did make out with her boyfriend. You sighed with sadness and flopped down on your bed, rubbing your hands over your face. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling and being lost in your thoughts, you heard tapping at your window. Your curiosity peaked and you got up to confront the person. Cautiously, you walked towards your window and drew back the curtains, a look of shock overcoming your features when you saw Damom staring back at you.

Opening the window, Damon climbed through and walked towards your bed, patting the space beside him for you to sit down. A confused look crossed over your face as you sat down next to him and opened your mouth to ask him what he was doing at your house.

"Elena broke up with me. She said she didn't want to be with somebody who didn't love her back. I mean, of course I did love her, but that all changed when we kissed, Y/N. I thought Elena was the one, but I was mistaken. It's you, Y/N." Damon gave you a shy smile as he waited for you to respond to his confession.

You stared in shock as the news sunk in. Damon loved you? You really never thought that one kiss could change everything. You smiled and leaned in towards Damon placing a kiss on his lips, answering the question he wanted to answer: whether you felt the same way. He smiled into the kiss and lay down slowly onto the bed, keeping tight hold of you. He had finally found the one that wasn't going to change him, who appreciated him for exactly the way he is. You spent hours cuddling each other before falling asleep in each others arms, smiles evident on your faces.

Whilst you regretted hurting Elena, you had to admit that you're glad it happened because you had finally found the one you were going to spend the rest of your life with.

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