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Pairing: Elijah x reader

Genre: Fluff, tiny bit of angst

Characters: Elijah, Y/N

Description: Y/N is sitting alone in a bar, crying silently. Elijah notices and approaches her. Can Elijah be the one to patch her back up?

Your whole life had fallen apart. Your boyfriend had broken up with you and kicked you out. You had nowhere to go. No home. No nothing. Your parents were dead so you had nobody to go to. You were totally alone. You were currently sitting at a bar, crying into your glass of whiskey.

Across the room, a mysterious man was also sitting alone, observing you. He had never seen anybody so beautiful but he couldn't understand why somebody like you was crying. He took a last sip of his drink and walked over to where you were sitting.

Your head was hung low in sadness when you felt movement on the seat beside you. You looked at the figure beside you and gave him a sad smile. "Hey." You looked back down at your drink and continued to let your mind wander. "Hello, I'm Elijah. May I ask why a beautiful person such as yourself is sat in a place like this crying by herself?"

Elijah moved his hand to under your chin and moved your head to face him. When you looked into his eyes, you were entranced. You felt all of the sadness melt away from your being and it being replaced with calmness. "My life has just fell apart in a matter of hours. I'm homeless and I have nobody to turn to. I am completely alone."

You shook your head in disbelief. "Why did I just tell you that?" Elijah gave you a small smile and chuckled. "Maybe your a little too drunk?" You chuckled back in reply and began to engage in a conversation with this charming stranger.

You and Elijah spent the whole night talking about each others lives and it felt like you had known each other for years. When the bar was shutting, tears began to fill your vision again at the realisaton that you had no home to go back to. Elijah noticed the change in your demeanor and wrapped you up in a comforting hug. "Hey, we'll have none of that now? How about you come and stay with me until you get back on your feet?"

You lifted your head to look into his eyes. "Oh no, I couldn't possibly put you out like that, Eli. It's too much." He shook his head in response. "Nonsense. You don't deserve to be out on the streets. C'mon, let me take care of you." Elijah grabbed your bag and coat off the back of the chair and led you out to his car. He helped you inside and sat down in the drivers seat.

Who knew that when your heart had shattered that there would be a hero in the midst to patch it back together again?

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