Genius's Daughter

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Requested by im-idiot00

Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x fem!Stark!reader

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Elijah, Y/N

A/N: Slight crossover with The Originals and Marvel.

Description: When Elijah finds out that Y/N is Tony Stark's daughter and sees her working with an AI, he decides to build her a lab in the Mikaelson house as a gift.

Being Tony Stark's daughter really did have it's perks, one of them using your superior intelligence to build anything that your heart desired. You usually built things to help your boyfriend, Elijah, defeat his enemies. He always knew you were something special but he didn't quite understand who you were until he seen you one day in your dads lab working with JARVIS.

"JARVIS, bring up the blueprint." You sat on the edge of the table, just like your dad does, and studied the design you had created. You then moved that away with your hands to bring up a template of a vest that would protect Elijah against the White Oak Stake. You planned to make more to protect the rest of the Mikaelsons if you were able to actually successfully make it.

Elijah rolled up to the mansion and politely knocked on the door, expecting to see your beautiful face when the door opened, but no answer came. He cocked his head to the side confusingly before taking the spare key you gave him and unlocked the door. "Y/N? Where are you?" Elijah closed the door behind him and walked through the mansion and stopped at the stairs leading to the basement when he heard your voice coming from below.

He slowly descended the stairs, stopped halfway and smiled when he seen you working with the AI. He always knew that you had a special knack with technology but he hadn't put the pieces together until now, you were Tony Stark's daughter. An idea struck him hard so Elijah abandoned the surprise plans he had for you, went back up the stairs and set to work on his new idea.


You got a call a couple of days later. Looking at your phone, you smiled when Elijah's name lit up the screen. "Hi, stranger. I hadn't heard from you properly for a few days. I was beginning to get worried about you." A small chuckle came from the other end, causing your smile to widen. "You can't get rid of me that easily, my love. I do have something for you though." "And what would this surprise be, Mr Mikaelson?" "Come over here and I'll show you."

Saying your goodbyes, you quickly ran to get your keys before leaving a note for your dad. He always worried when he came home and you weren't there. Being a world famous superhero, he had a lot of enemies and he always worried. Running towards your car, you turned the key in the ignition and started on your way.

The familiar lights of New Orleans lit up the street as you parked outside the Mikaelson house. Elijah, as always, was already outside waiting to greet you. You ran into his arms as you got out, inhaling his familiar scent of wood and whiskey. He nuzzled his nose into your neck and squeezed you tighter against his chest.

"I have missed you, Y/N. So much." You looked up at him, pecking his lips. "So have I. Missed hearing your voice every few hours, nagging me to get away from the machines." He chuckled and took hold of your hand, leading you inside.

The Mikaelson house wasn't as big as the mansion but it was much better decorated. You knew that the Mikaelsons were more classy than your dad which allowed you to have a taste of both worlds. Elijah led you through the main hall towards a hidden door to the left. "Where are we going? I've never been through here before." Your voice broke at the end of the sentence, causing Elijah to squeeze your hand comfortingly.

"Don't worry, my love. What's behind this door will make you happy beyond belief, I hope." He opened the door and switched on the light before leading you down the stairs. Elijah stood at the bottom, stopping you from going any further. "Close your eyes for me." You raised an eyebrow questioningly before slowly closing your eyes.

He led you into the room and stopped in the middle, making sure you weren't peaking. He stood back and smiled. "Open your eyes, Y/N." You didn't expect what you seen when your eyes fluttered open. Elijah had managed to build you a lab, a whole lab, in the basement of his home. All of the up to date technology and machines were standing in front of you.

"You-you built me a lab?!" You looked over at him with tears in your eyes. He nodded his head. "Do you like it?" "Are you kidding? I love it!" You closed the distance between you both and placed your lips on his. "Thank you. But why?" "I seen you in your fathers lab a few days ago and you looked so happy, so at home, and I decided that you needed your own."

A happy tear slid down your cheek. "This is the best thing that anyone has ever done for me. I finally have the means to finish the vest I've been working on." You kissed him once more before getting to work, testing out all of the new gadgets whilst Elijah sat back and smiled, pleased that he had made you happy.

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