Tattooed and Curvy

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Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Damon, Y/N

Description: Y/N has never had a boyfriend that is vocal about their love of her appearance and Damon isn't shy about his appreciation of her.

You looked in the mirror and sighed with disappointment. You've never really liked how you looked. You were too curvy and too small for your liking, and everybody else seemed to agree with you. Everybody except Damon. He absolutely adored the way that you looked and was never afraid to make his feelings known.

"You have such beautiful curves, Y/N. I've never been with anybody who is as beautiful as you." Each time he says anything like that, your face lights up with a smile. You've never had a boyfriend who has been so supportive and appreciative of your looks.

As you looked up and down at your appearance, Damon snook up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your neck. "Hey beautiful. What's the matter?" He kissed each and every tattoo that was visible on your arms which caused a shiver to travel down your spine. "It's nothing, D. I'm just being silly."

Damon took his arms from around your waist and twirled you around so you were facing him, his hands clasped over yours. "You're not silly, Y/N. Please, tell me what's bothering you." You looked up into Damon's sparkling eyes and found yourself calming down and finding the courage to tell him how you were feeling.

"I really don't like the way I look, Damon. I just feel so ugly all of the time." You looked down at the floor, ashamed of what you had just admitted. Instead of agreeing or laughing at you, Damon let go of one of your hands and lifted your head up to meet his once again, placing a soft kiss on your lips.

"You are not ugly, Y/N. You are the most beautiful person I know and anybody who doesn't think so can go screw themselves. The only person who needs to think that you're beautiful is you Y/N, and I am going to spend the rest of my life trying to make you see just how beautiful you really are."

He looked down at your tattooed and pointed at them. "These right here, are woeks of art that define you. They show your journey through life and what you have been through. I am so proud of you, baby. You have been through so much and have come out on top. You're always looking after other people, now let me look after you."

Tears brimmed in your eyes as Damon finished his sentence and you let his words sink in. "What did I ever do to deserve somebody like you, Damon? Nobody has ever been that vocal about their appreciation of me, but what you just said has made me feel so much better. You're my rock, Damon. I love you."

Damon smiled at you and pulled you into a passionate kiss, intent in showing you just how beautiful you really are.

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