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Pairing: Stefan x reader

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Stefan, Y/N, Damon, Elena

Description: Stefan is still upset about Damon and Elena when he meets Y/N in a bar which is when his feelings begin to blossom...

Stefan was currently sat at the bar in the Mystic Grill, drowning his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey. Sadness overcome his being each time his mind strayed to Damon and Elena. He was still heartbroken over the situation, which he found out about 2 months ago. Elena was the love of his life and she decided that she loved his brother instead of him. Stefan felt like has heart had completely broken in two. He downed another mouthful of whiskey when he felt movement at the side of him. Stefan turned and then looked back at his glass.

"Hey, what's up? You look down." The soft tranquils of your voice invaded Stefans' ears and he couldn't help but turn to you, instantly attracted to the sound of your voice.

"My ex-girlfriend left me to go be with my brother. So, nothing really." You gave this mysterious man a sympathetic look and held out your hand. "I'm Y/N." Stefan smiled at your gesture and shook your hand. "Stefan." The two of you began talking and Stefan could feel a familiar sensation rise though his body. He smiled at the feeling and, for the first time in two months, Stefan felt at peace.

You and Stefan had been sat at the bar for hours, talking and laughing with each other. Throughout your conversation, you felt some familiar feelings building. You smiled and decided to see where these feelings led you. "It's getting late. I need to get home, I have work in the morning. Thank you so much for this chat. It's been the best time I've had in a long time." You kissed Stefan on the cheek and began to walk away.

"Wait, when can I see you again?" Stefan turned to face you, awaiting your answer as you stopped in your tracks. "Next Friday, 7pm. Don't be late." You winked at Stefan and walked away, leaving him smiling in his chair.

'Dates' like these carried on for months. You and Stefan meeting at the Mystic Grill every Friday night, talking about things that happened that week and laughing at each others dorky jokes. Throughout these months, your friendship had blossomed into something else. Innocent hand-holding and flirting had led to your feelings for each other growing. And so, 5 months after you both first met, you shared your first kiss sitting in the same exact seats at the bar.

Bottled up feelings from the last months poured out of you and Stefan. You both tried to tell each other how you felt through your kiss. When you broke apart, you were both smiling, finally happy that you had acted on those feelings. Stefan took your hand in his and kissed it softly.

"Thank you for being with me these past few months, you have been my rock. You let a complete stranger into your life to talk about his problems and I couldn't be more grateful. Please stay with me and I'll try to make you feel the same way as I do about you." You gave Stefan a watery smile and kissed him in response.

You had both found the person you were looking for 5 months ago at the bar of Mystic Grill.

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