"I'm Sorry"

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Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Characters: Damon, Y/N, Klaus, Stefan

Description: Damon breaks up with you to protect you from his enemies. What will happen when you are taken and he's not there to protect you?

Turns out, Damon and Stefan aren't the only vampires who have taken up residence in Mystic Falls. Klaus Mikaelson and the rest of his 'original' family have begun to call the shots within the supernatural community and Damon was becoming increasingly concerned about the imminent danger that this put on your life. He wanted to keep you out of this, keep you safe, so he did what he thought was right.

"D, please don't do this to me. Your the only person that's been keeping me together through all of this. I'm safer with you around. Please, don't leave me alone."

Tears were beginning to stream down your face at the sudden ache in your heart. Damon was breaking up with you to keep you safe, to take a target off your back.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I have to, it's the only way I can think off to keep you safe. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you. Goodbye, Y/N."

Damon jumped out of your window and ran away into the darkened forest behind your house. You flounced down on your bed and began to cry, sobs wracking your body. Within a matter of seconds, your whole world came crumbling down, you had nobody to hold on to. The cries began to cease and you fell into an uncomfortable sleep.

A loud bang from downstairs woke you a few hours later. You jumped up from your bed and froze in place. You listened for any other noise, but nothing came. You tiptoed out of your room and down the stairs, looking for any sign of an intrusion.

You walked down your hallway towards the kitchen when a figure jumped out of the shadows and grabbed you from behind.

"Hello, love. You smell..... delicious. I bet Damon wouldn't be too happy if I fed on his little girlfriend." You grimaced as Klaus began to sniff the aroma you gave off.

"Well, you're out of luck, Klaus. I'm not Damons' girlfriend anymore. So if you would kindly fuck off and leave me out of your vampire squabbles, that would be lovely."

"We'll see about that, love. 'm sure he wouldn't let anything happen to you, girlfriend or not." You began to struggle in the vampires grasp but he was too strong. He began to force you out of your doorway but you were putting up a fight, kicking your legs to slow him down. Klaus was beginning to get angry and whacked your head on the door frame, knocking you out.

You awoke in a pitch black room. Your head was throbbing and you tried to reach up, but couldn't. Your hands and feet were tied to a chair, tightly. You began to struggle against the bonds when you heard a sound from the other side of the room and looked up. A figure was standing in the stream of light given off by the doorway.

"I see your awake, lovely. Don't worry, Damon will get here soon. And when he does, I'm gonna tear him limb from limb, until there's nothing left." Klaus began to laugh maniacally when you began to struggle more in your bonds, tears clouding your eyesight.

"Don't you fucking touch him, you arrogant prick!" Klaus began to laugh louder as he was walking towards you. "Or what? What are you, a weak and useless human, going to do?" He walked the last remaining steps between you and placed a hand on your throat, and squeezed.

You could feel the life slowly being drained out of you, breath by breath. Tears began to slowly run down our cheeks as you remembered the last conversation you had with Damon. You hadn't got to tell him you love him one last time. Second by second, your breaths began to get raspier as Klaus squoze harder and harder. Your vision began to darken and your head filled with memories of you and Damon. A little smile formed on your face before your head hung low.

"HEY! GET AWAY FROM HER!" Klaus turned around and was met by a fist to the face. Damon was standing over Klaus as Stefan was running over to you. Blow by blow to the face, Klaus was still smiling at the pain that he was causing. "Why'd you take her? She has nothing to do with this, Klaus!"

Damon slowly stood up and began to slowly retreat away from Klaus, who was now knocked out. "DAMON! I need you here NOW!"

Stefan was currently untying your bonds whilst Damon ran over and tried to wake you. "C'mon, baby! Wake up for me! Please! I'm so sorry I left you alone."

Your eyes opened and you began to splutter, air coming back into your body. You looked around, frightened. "Damon? What happened?"

Stefan finished untying you and Damon scooped you up into his arms. "I'm here. You're safe now." As the events came flooding back to you, you began to cry into Damons' shoulder as he was kissing your head, muttering into your ear. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I will never leave you alone again."

You lifted your head up and pulled Damon in for a kiss, whilst Stefan stood awkwardly watching.

"Ahem." You turned bright red at the realisation of what just happened. "Err, sorry brother. Forgot you were there." Damon shrugged and began to walk towards his car, carrying you with him. Stefan shook his head at his idiotic older brother and followed suit.

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