Leather Jacket

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Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Fluff, tiny bit of angst

Characters: Y/N, Damon, Enzo

Description: Ever since Damon died, Y/N has been wearing his leather jacket. When he comes back, Damon finds that she has worn it everyday since he left. After the big shock of him coming back, Y/N and Damon spend some much needed down time together.

A/N: This fic is set in the 1950's 

It's been 5 years since you lost Damon in the war. You can still remember how you felt when you received the life-changing news.

It was 1945. The war was nearly over, everybody was celebrating. You were sitting on your front porch, sipping tea with your best friend, Enzo, by your side. Enzo had been by your side since the moment Damon left for the war. You noticed an elderly policeman walking up your garden pathway and placed your tea down.

"Good morning, Miss. I'm afraid I have some terrible news. I'm afraid your husband, Damon Salvatore, has passed away. He was a very heroic man, threw himself into harms way to save one of his comrades. A true american hero."

At this news, you fell to the floor and began to cry. Cries racked your body as your whole world came crumbling down around you. Enzo was immediately at your side, trying to reassure you that everything would be Ok. You knew that nothing would be Ok again, you had lost a piece of yourself, the love of your life.

Ever since that fateful day, you have held on to the last piece of Damon you had: his favourite leather jacket. When you first found it, you smiled to yourself as you breathed in the musky scent of bourbon and cinnamon. You let out a little cry to yourself.

Even though it had been 5 years since you lost him, it still hurt like you had received the news yesterday. Enzo was still by your side, making good on his promise to Damon to make sure you were Ok.

You were sitting on your porch, just like you did on that fateful day 5 years ago, shrugging Damon's jacket a little higher onto your shoulders. You sighed to yourself and looked up at the beautiful, orange sky.

"I love you, Damon. I miss you terribly, but I know that you're in a better place now. It's been 5 years since I lost you, and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you, my love. I hope your Ok up there. We'll be with each other again soon." You took a sip of your drink, stood up and went back inside.

As soon as the door closed, a figure emerged from the shadows and made their way up the garden path. "I love you to, my love."

You had settled yourself into your chair, reading your favourite book 'The Catcher in the Rye', when a very loud rapping came from the front door. You set your book down on the end table and walked towards the front door.

"Hello, sweetheart." You couldn't believe your eyes. Damon was standing in front of you, alive and well. You could feel all of the emotions from the last five years building up and threatening to spill out.

"Damon? Is that really you? They told me you were dead!" You reached up and touched his face, taking in his delicate features. "I thought I'd never see you again." Tears began streaming down your face.

Damon leaned into your touch. "I know. I thought I'd never be able to come home, back to you. It broke my heart leaving you here without me. I'll explain everything later." He gave you a watery smile and looked down your body, taking in everything that was happening. "You still have it, my leather jacket?" His eyes began to water, tears threatening to spill out.

"It was the last thing I had of you. I couldn't bare to give it to somebody else." Damon leant down and pulled you into a very deep kiss. You put all of your emotions into that kiss, showing Damon just how much you have missed him.

"Let's go inside, sweetheart. I'll explain everything later. For now, tell me everything that has happened whilst I have been away."

You took Damons hand and guided him towards the chair in the living room. He sat down and you climbed into his lap, wrapping your hands around his waist. You and Damon spent the rest of the evening in that chair wrapped up in each other. You told Damon all of the stories you had about Enzo, about you and of course, about his brother.

You fell asleep within Damon's arms for the first time in 5 years, safe and comforted. Damon smiled at himself and kissed the top of your head.

"I'm sorry I left, Y/N. I promise, I will never leave your side again."

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