Tortured For Love

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Pairing: Stefan x reader

Genre: Angst

Characters: Stefan, Y/N

Description: Y/N is being tortured in Augustine. Stefan has to save her in time.

A/N: Credit to . I used part of a prompt that I thought would go perfectly with this request. The prompt is in italics.

The soft but dark sound of your chuckle, interrupted the silence that had claimed the room for the past few tension filled minutes, your sudden and strange behaviour, unintentionally unnerving your captors as they turned their attention away from each other, and back to your bound and bruised form.

Preoccupied with the private conversation you were having in your head, you failed to notice the way they glanced at each other uncomfortably, hands twitching instinctively towards their weapons as they started to feel the subtle ominous feeling that had begun to settle over the area. Not that any precautions they took now, would do much to save them.

Raising your head, you finally met their eyes, the unsettling grin on your face, only growing wider as you saw that you already had their full and undivided attention. The gleeful feeling that was starting to bubble up in your chest, made it difficult for you not to start chuckling again, as you stared at them unflinchingly, though your efforts were quickly thwarted as you realised they were shifting uncomfortably with nerves.

You seen a figure darting around in the shadows and a dark and unnerving grin set upon your features. One of the men came forward and whacked you with the butt of his gun. Blood began to stream out of your lip as you continued to smile.

"What are you smiling for?! We've beaten you and tortured you, you shouldn't be smiling!" The man walked towards you again and grabbed your chin, squeezing hard. Your face crumpled in pain. "WHERE IS STEFAN SALVATORE!?"

"Right here." The man turned around quickly and was met with a fist to the face. The man fell to the floor with the impact. "I told you he'd come for me and beat your ass." A smile lit up your face as you and Stefan locked eyes.

"Watch out!" The other man then lunged towards Stefan, knocking him slightly. In retaliation, Stefan stalked towards the man and lifted his leg, kicking him in the gut. The man fell down in pain as Stefan sat on top of him. "Don't you ever lay a hand on her again! You hear me?!" The man nodded quickly, clearly frightened at the vampire staring at him.

Stefan gave a quick punch to the man's face and knocked him out before making his way towards you. "I'm so sorry this happened, Y/N. Augustine has been after me and Damon for years. I just never thought that they'd do something like this. I promise, it will never happen again."

You put both of your hands on Stefans face and brought him in for a kiss. "This was not your fault. You don't need to be sorry, baby. They are just cruel, vile humans who would do anything to get what they want, no matter the consequences."

Stefan stood up and held out his hand for you to take. He wrapped his arm around your waist and supported you as you both walked out of the building. "I love you, Y/N. So much. I don't know what I'd do without you."

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