Bad Encounter

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Pairing: Stefan x reader

Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst

Characters: Stefan, Y/N, Bonnie, Jeremy, Elena

Description: When Y/N has a bad encounter with Stefan, they are sure that he is a bad person and begins to loathe him.

Lately, you had seen this new guy walking around school. He seemed kind of mysterious, but there was also something about him that told you to stay away. At first, you could. He didn't really notice you or even say anything to you, but when your best friend, Jeremy, started to hang out with him with his sister, Elena, that meant that you had to start hanging around with him to.

You and Jeremy had been best friends for as long as you can remember, you were there when his parents were killed in the accident and supported him through everything. That's why you wanted to make sure that this guy was legit so you went to talk to your cousin, Bonnie.

You were both sitting on the sofa in your living room and made sure that your parents were out of earshot. "What's your take on this new guy, Stefan Salvatore?" Bonnie furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her legs. "I don't know, Y/N, there's something about him that I don't trust. Why do you want to know?" You leaned in a little closer to her. "You know Elena's dating him, right?" Bonnie nodded. "Well, Jeremy's started to hang with him to, and I want to make sure that Stefan isn't going to hurt him."

Bonnie crinkled her nose. "Well, if I was you, I would keep Stefan at arms length. Every time I'm around him, I get some weird vibes off him. Please be careful." You nodded. "Always cousin."


Jeremy and you were walking down the hallway in school. Elena was at her locker when she noticed the two of you and ushered you over. You smiled and opened your mouth to say something until you spotted Stefan walking over to you and immediately closed it again.

He smiled at you all and brought Elena in for a kiss. You made a disgusted face whilst turning your head away. You hated any sort of PDA and silently hoped that Stefan and Elena didn't see your expression. Jeremy, on the other hand, stifled a laugh as he seen your expression.

Elena and Stefan looked confused at Jeremy's reaction, and Stefan turned his attention towards you; frowning at your expression. "What's the matter, Y/N? Don't like seeing people express their love for each other?" Elena placed her hand on Stefan's chest to hold him back.

You turned to face him and narrowed your eyes, walking closer towards him. "I actually don't but seeing you do it makes me uncomfortable." Stefan growled a little but tried to hold himself back. "What do you have against me, Y/N? I've noticed all the snide looks that you give me."

"There's something about you that's off, I don't trust you. I'm going to find out what your secret is, Salvatore. Mark my words." You gave a sarcastic smile before walking past Stefan and down the corridor, leaving Elena and Jeremy confused and Stefan absolutely seething.


Tensions between you and Stefan kept rising as the two of you constantly crossed each others paths, but when you found out that Elena had left him for his brother, you started to feel sorry for him. He seemed so lost, as if he had lost the other part of him.

You seen him sitting by himself one day, watching Elena longingly from across the room. There was still something about him that you weren't sure about but seeing him slumped over on the table, sad and alone, pulled at your heartstrings a little.

You hesitated before walking towards him, unsure of how to approach the situation but seeing the solemn, lost look on his face allowed you to make a decision. Walking up to him, you placed a comforting hand on Stefan's shoulder. He looked around and narrowed his eyes, his face riddled with confusion.

"I'm trying to figure out why you're over here with me. I thought you hated me." You shook your head and took a seat next to Stefan. "I don't hate you, Stefan. I just haven't made my mind up about you. I'm naturally a very cautious person so when a mysterious person comes to town and immediately takes an interest in my best friends sister, then I begin to want to find out what you want."

Stefan nods in understanding. "I see where you're coming from. I'd do the same thing if I was you." His eyes were beginning to trail back to Elena, who was sitting at a nearby table with Caroline. "Hey, why don't we go somewhere else? Take your mind off Elena and Damon." A small smirk emerged on his face. "What did you have in mind?"


You hadn't expected to have such a good time with Stefan. It turned out he was actually a really nice guy and it seemed as though he didn't have any secrets to hide from you. Your heart burst with happiness when you and him were laughing and smiling together; you could have sworn that you felt a little flutter in the pit of your stomach.

Since you had taken his mind off Elena, the two of you had become really close, inseparable even. You felt the insecurities and fears that you once had about him melt away.

The flutter in your stomach grew into something more: you had developed feelings for him, and you were sure that he felt the same way. You knew he still had feelings for Elena, it was obvious but you knew that he also felt something for you.

The two of you walked down the hallway to get to your next class jokingly bumping against each other, when you spotted Elena at her locker with Damon standing at the side of her. Stefan stopped in his tracks and stared blankly at the both of them.

You looked up at him and took his hand in your own, entwining your fingers together. He looked down at your hands and then at you, his eyes wide with shock but he didn't pull his hand away. You both walked past Elena and Damon, hand in hand, and you smiled to yourself as you knew that everybody was watching you.

Once you both were alone in a quiet place you both stopped and sat down on the floor, leaning your backs against the brick wall. "Are you ok?" You tried your best to read his expression, but it was blank. "Yeah, but no." Furrowing your eyebrows at him, you slide closer to him and placed a comforting arm around his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Stefan began fiddling with his fingers nervously. "It still hurts me, seeing Elena with Damon, but lately I've been feeling something for somebody else. They make me feel much better than I have in a long time. I just don't know if they feel the same way." You placed your hand on top of his. "Well maybe if you show them how you feel, you may find out."

A large smile formed on his face as he leaned in, softly winding his hand to the back of your neck, and pulled you in for a slow, deep kiss. You returned the kiss, winding your arms around his neck. Stefan pulled away and smiled softly, running his fingers down your face.

"We may have to take it slow at first, Y/N, but I think this could go somewhere, if you can give me the chance." You smiled widely. "Of course, we can go as slow as you want to." He gave you a peck on the lips before standing up and holding his hand out for you to take.

"Now, let's go and get to class. We wouldn't want to be any more late than we already are."

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