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Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Characters: Damon, Y/N, Stefan

Description: You are in love with Damon, Damon is in love with you. But you both haven't told each other. Damon thinks that you would never love him after everything that he's done and turns off his humanity. What will happen when he attacks you?

"C'mon Damon, please. This isn't you. I need you, the real you, here with me, right now. Come back to me."

You were pleading with Damon to switch his humanity back on. He had become a totally different person since he had turned off his humanity, he didn't care about anything anymore, not even you. Damon had started to get a little violent and began to throw things around the room.

"NO! I'm better this way! I don't have my feelings holding me back anymore! I can be the ruthless killer I once was without having to worry about the consequences. I can be the old me! Why would I want to turn it back on? All I have waiting for me is regret and sadness, nobody will love me. Now leave me ALONE!"

Damon pushed you and you fell back, hitting your head on a shelf behind you. Hearing the commotion, Stefan came running down the stairs and into the room. Staring wide-eyed at your small frame slumped on the floor, Stefan ran over and cradled your head.

"Damon, what have you done? You could have killed her!"

Damon fell to his knee and a small tear slipped down his cheek. He crawled over to your body and began to stroke your cheeks.

"I can't believe I did this, to the one person who I love. I know you may never love me back, but I should never have switched off my humanity." A tear slipped down Damon's cheek and onto your face. He swiped his finger over your lips, wiping the tear away.

"She loves you to, you know. She always has. Y/N worships the ground you walk on. I have no idea why though, you can be a complete ass to her sometimes."

Damon looked at Stefan in shock of this revelation. "Wait, she loves me? Like really?" Stefan gave Damon a bitch face. "No, Damon, like fakely! Yes really, dumbass." Damon whacked Stefan over the head just before he noticed your eyes fluttering awake.

"Oh my god, Y/N. I'm so sorry. I should never have switched off my humanity. Especially because I love you." Stefan had moved away from the scene and Damon placed your head on his lap, lacing his fingers with yours.

"I love you to, Damon. I always have, and I always will." You gave him a small smile and Damon moved his head towards your lips and placed a soft kiss there. "Even better than I had imagined." He gave you his signature smile and ran his hand down the side of your face.

"Damon, this is lovely and all, but can I please get up off the floor now? My backs starting to cramp." Damon grabbed your other hand and slowly helped you up. Your vision began to blur and you began to fall back, but Damon caught you just in time.

"I think you have a concussion, sweetheart. Lets get you over to the couch, eh?" You nodded your head and winced in pain. Damon lay you down on the couch and placed a pillow underneath your head.

"I want to let you know, nothing like this will ever happen again. I promise."

Damon looked down at you with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. He lent down and placed another kiss on your lips, this time for a little longer. Your eyes fluttered shut again and you fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of nothing but Damon and you.

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