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 Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Characters: Damon, Y/N, Elena

Description: Damon nearly kills Y/N when he mistakes her for somebody else. After, Y/N is scared of his every move and Damon tries really hard to regain her trust.

Damon could sense that somebody was following him. He had had this feeling all day, a prickle on the back of his neck. Maybe he was being paranoid with all of the recent happenings with Klaus and the Mikaelson family, but he can never be too careful.

He suddenly stopped and grabbed the follower, dragging them into a dark alleyway and baring his vampire teeth. "What do you want?" A slight shine from the streetlight revealed that it wasn't a Mikaelson that was following him, it was you. "D-Damon, please let me down." Guilt spread like wildfire across Damon's features as he placed you down on the floor.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry! I didn't realise it was you, baby. Why were you following me?" He moved towards you but you flinched away, causing sadness to run through his body. "I wanted to suprise you because we haven't seen each other for a while, but I know never to do that again." Your voice broke slightly as you finished the sentence, tears brimming in your eyes. "I need to go home, please don't come after me. I can't handle being around you right now." You ran off past Damon and out of the alleyway, leaving him standing there full of guilt and hatred toward himself.

A few days had passed and Damon still hadn't heard from you and he was becoming quite worried. He took it upon himself to check up on you. Damon walked up your pathway and knocked gently on the door, careful not to scare you more than he already has. When the door opened, he had expected you to be standing in front of you, but instead he found Elena.

"What do you want, Damon?" Elena leaned on the door with her hands crossed across her chest., an unamused look on her face. "I want to see Y/N, to make sure that she's Ok." He moved forward to try and enter the house but Elena moved the door in his path. "She's a little traumatized, thanks to you. It''s not everyday that your boyfriend tries to kill you."

Damon's face fell and he slumped his shoulders. He never realized just how much pain he had caused you that night. A new wave of guilt washed over him as he thought more and more about how much he had hurt you without even knowing it. "Please, Elena. Just let me see her. I have to try and make things up to her.I have to try and make things right."

Elena could hear the sadness in his voice and caved. "Alright, but please don't hurt her again, she's still very fragile." She opened the door wider and Damon stepped in, nodding a thanks to Elena. He walked slowly up the stairs and stopped in front of your room, taking in a deep breath. What could he say or do to make things better? He had let you down in the worst way possible and he had to try everything to get you to trust him again. He raised his hand and knocked softly on the door. Footsteps shuffled behind the door and started to get closer.

The door swung open and revealed your small frame. You flinched slightly as you saw Damon standing there and you immediately regretted your action. The hurt and guilt was completely evident on Damon's features. You smiled slightly and invited him into your room. You walked over to your bed and sat on the side of it, whilst Damon stood in the middle of the room, being careful not to get too close to you. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I never meant to hurt you like this. I thought it was Klaus or one of his horrendous siblings, I never ever thought that it could have been you."

He took a step towards you which resulted in you moving back a little, flinching slightly. "I know your sorry, Damon. I know you never meant to hurt me. It's just going to take a little time for the trust to be rebuilt between us, Ok? We need to start slowly, Watch movies together, things like that." You stood up and walked towards him, still a little wary. Damon noticed your wariness and held out his hand for you to take which you accepted. He squeezed your hand slightly and a slight smile graced your features.

"That sounds great. We'll do it all on your terms, I don't want to push you into anything that your not ready for." He returned your smile and let go of your hand, walking out of the room.

"Where are you going? We can always start now. Go and pick a movie and I'll make the popcorn." A larger smile crept up onto Damon's features at your suggestion and went to do as he was told.

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