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That was what she felt as she was looked up at the beautiful sky.

She smiled, remembering how much her life has turned.

She heard the loud yelp of her husband, her head turned abruptly to where the sound came from, she caught a sight of him on the floor with two beautiful creatures atop him.

He was playing with their kids. "Their kids" her heart skips whenever she hears that sentence. Their children, Fatima and Rasheed was the exact replica of them both. It warms her heart whenever she looked at them cause she was looking at her and Khalil in one being. Alhamdulillah.

Fatima was 4 and Rasheed was 2. Fatima's delivery was an experience she wishes never to get again. She thought she was going to die. She spent 3 days in labor, and everything she tried to do to push the baby out proved futile. It was when they were almost preparing her for surgery she felt the baby's head.

Khalil went down for sujudun shukur. She saw the tears in his eyes and he placed sloppy kisses all over her face. Her heart melts whenever she remembers his reaction as he held their baby and recited the shahada in her ears. She wanted to see that joy in his face everyday, she wanted to make up for all the pains she has caused him in the past and she swore to always make him happy, and she has always been doing that. She always puts him first. Khalil was a happy man, it almost chocked him.

Aside their normal banters, whenever a serious fight was booming between them, Khalil always took it upon himself not to let it erupt. He would hug her and kiss her senseless, which she always tries to push him away claiming she wanted to get away from him but in reality she loved every bit of it.

Every day is a blessing for them. They loved each other beyond words can say. They were each others peace.

She felt Khalil's hand atop hers and she smiled as she felt the familiar warmness she used to feel whenever he touches her. It never stopped. And she couldn't help but wonder if he also felt it when she touched him.

She looked up at him, his handsome face held a radiant smile, all she wanted to do was take him away from the world and keep him for herself alone. The thought of another lady looking at her man makes her furious.

She got up and hugged him, his cologne messing up with her senses. She sighed a contented smile.

What would she do without Khalil?

She released herself from his hold. "It's cold my love, let's go in." She nodded and he held her hand and led them in.

She looked around the garden of the mansion she met Khalil after he left home some years back. And up till date she still wonders how Khalil built the house from scratch without letting her know. They moved into the house two weeks after they reconciled and as he always says, we start our new life here, forget everything that happened in the past and just imagine us as a newly wedded couple. And it has been working perfectly. They put their past behind them and started from the beginning.

Fatima and Rasheed were seated on their bean bag as they watched the kids Arabic classes airing on the television. Khalil had put it on for them before going out to call her.

The kids didn't even notice them come in as they were engrossed in singing the Arabic letters.

"When the show is over, come upstairs, okay?" Khalil said and the kids replied "Yes daddy" in unison.

Khalil led both of them upstairs to their room.

"You seem off today, my love." He said as he made her sit on the bed and knelt before her. His hands rubbing soothing circles on hers.

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