Chapter 1.

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                       Faridah's POV

"Pass me the tray,"

"Give me the cabbage,"

"where is the knife?"

"Get me the spoon, now!"

Those were the words that could be heard all over the house, everybody was busy with one thing or the other, apart from me.

I was laying on the bed and imagining how my future would be after marriage. Today my future in-laws are coming over to set the date for my wedding, our wedding, Aslam and I.

"Faridah what is wrong with you? You haven't taken your bath yet, don't you know they're already on their way." Umma said angrily.

"Don't worry Umma, I won't take long in getting ready." I said while getting up and heading to the ensuite for a quick shower.


"They're here already," Basma said coming into the room.

"wow! Ma shaa Allah,you look gorgeous," she beamed "as always."

"you think?" I asked nervously.

"Of course."

I was dressed in a black gown. My makeup was already done, I did it myself, just a simple makeup. I don't want him to think I'm ugly without makeup.
Not like I care about what he thinks anyway.

"come on, let's go." Basma said literally dragging me down with her.
"i'll slap you, am I your mate? Stop dragging me like that or else I'll forget my hand on your face." I said angrily.

"sorry big sis."

"sorry for yourself." I said eyeing her.

We were closed to the parlour when my hands got sweaty and my hands started trembling, oh my Allah! How am I going to face them. How'd I greet them? What if they don't like me? What if they think i'm ugly? What if Aslam rejects me, he wouldn't do that right? I mean he has always been my crush, not like he knows anyway,but each time we see each other and I greet him he always replies me with a warm smile, that's a good sign, right? Maybe he does that because he likes me. I don't think so, he had a girlfriend, a pretty model for that matter. He just see's me as his friend,not like we reached the friend zone anyway, we only exchange pleasantries and that's all. Why does he want to get married to me? What about his pretty model? Ya Allah, Where are all these silly thoughts coming from? I wish Khalil was here he would have he--

"Sis i'm going to leave you here fah ".Basma's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Sorry. "

I can't be scared, they should think whatever they want about me, I don't care.

"You actually do" my inner self muttered.

"whatever."I rolled my eyes at her.

"who're you talking to?" Basma asked.

"Nobody," I replied "come on let's go, they're waiting".

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, I can do this.

"Asalamu alaikum" Basma and I said entering inside the sitting room

"Wa laikumus salam," they replied simultaneously.

They were about eight that came, including his parents, the male were seated opposite the females,my dad was chatting with them happily while umma,Basma and Ya Samira were busy serving them food.

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