Chapter 2.

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"Your phone has been ringing since." Ya Samira said pointing at my phone.

I'm sure it's Aslam calling. The thought made me blush.
I got disappointed after checking the caller ID,it was Khalil, my bestfriend.

"Hello, Mamii where have you been? I've been calling you for the past 3 hours but you didn't pick, I also sent you tons of messages but you didn't reply, what is wrong with you? I was soo worried about you, I hope you're ok. Please answer me" He said all in one breath.

"Hey calm down, I'm ok, I was about calling you, I've good news." I replied smiling.

He let out a sign "gosh, I was really worried about you, I was about coming to your house, I was also trying umma's number but it wasn't  reachable."

"Calm down, I'm very ok, in fact I'm soooo happy right now." I dragged the so.

"Really," I could tell he was smiling "so, what's the good news. "

"noo, I won't tell you over the phone, come over so that I'll tell you."

"Mamii, I'm soo sorry but I won't be able to make it, I'm at the office right now."

I rolled my eyes "but you said you were about coming just some few seconds ago." I said feigning hurt.

"Try to understand please, I'll come when I'm free,but just tell me what it is you want to tell me, you know I hate suspense."

"Ok, well I've gotten a proposal, and my parents accepted it." I said walking over the bed to sit. Ya Samira left the room.

"Wh-wha- what?  You're joking right." he stuttered .

"I'm damn serious Khali, it happened all of a sudden, they came, they said they liked me and now the wedding will be in 2 months time." I uttered.

" 2 what! You are joking right? Please tell me you're joking". I could tell that he was running his hand over his face, he does that when he's getting frustrated and I could tell his frustrated now. Why was he being like this?

"I ain't joking, I'm serious."

"okay." he uttered and ended the call.

What the heck is wrong with him?  I'll find out later.

I lied down on the bed and decided to check Whatsapp, I'm sure tons of messages are waiting for me.
After replying to my friends, I saw an unknown number's message.

Unknown :Hey
Me: Hey

Unknown: its Aslam

Oh, he finally messaged me, I was happy, but I'd have been happier if he called me.

Me: ohh hello! How are you doing?

Unknown: I'm doing fine and you?

I quickly saved his number.

Me: I'm fine

Aslam: okay

Seriously  'okay' that was all he could type, I didn't even open the message, I was desperately waiting to see the Typing sign but there was none, I was soo pissed. He couldn't even enquire about my family or other stuff.

He might just be shy.
Shy? It's  not like I was standing in front of him or something. I shrugged the thought off.

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