Chapter 23.

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When one door closes, another opens. But we often look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been open for us.


"Are you done?" Khalil asked, stepping into the room.

I zipped the luggage. "Yeah."

He carried our luggage's and I followed behind him to the taxi. He dropped the luggage's inside the booth and he opened the door for us and we both settled in the back seat.

"Oga we don reach." The taxi driver announced. Khalil and I were both engrossed in our conversation that we didn't notice.

"Oh," Khalil and I dropped from the car and the driver helped us in bringing our luggage's out. Khalil paid the fair and the driver left.

"Let me help with this." I said, trying to collect one of the luggage's from him.

"No, Mamii, don't bother." He smiled, picking the luggage's by himself.

I smiled to myself and followed behind him. After following all the procedures, we got into the flight. Khalil sat at the window side while I sat beside him. I am scared of height.

The pilot announced that the plane was about to take off, Khalil helped me fastened my seat belt then he did his also. I settled back in the comfy leather seat and sighed. Khalil held my hands in his.

When the flight attendant made sure everyone and everything was fine. The plane took off. I felt the urge to throw up the meal I had earlier, when Khalil noticed my uneasiness he asked me if I was fine and I told him yes. His grip on my hand tightened and he kissed my knuckles and I felt a little better. The nervousness doesn't last long anyways, it ends when the plane is safely flying in the air.

I placed my head on Khalil's shoulder and slept. Khalil woke me up after some hours to eat, after eating I went back to sleep.

I woke up by the sound of the Pilot voice announcing that we would soon be landing. Khalil was reading a magazine.

"Did you sleep?"

"Nope," he shook his head.

The flight attendants walked around making sure there were no glass utensils left from the meal we had. When everything was cleared. The plane began landing and Khalil held my hands once again. He knew I was scared of taking offs and landing.

We landed safely and I muttered an Alhamdulillah. We are finally at France, Paris. I can hardly believe it. When we took out our luggage's, Khalil halted a taxi.

"Hotel Le Marcel." Khalil told the cab man.

"Okay sir,"

We arrived there after some minutes, Khalil paid the cab man with their currency. We stepped down from the car and made way inside the hotel.

The hotel is located in an aristocratic mansion off the stunning place des Vosges, the gorgeous symmetrical centrepiece of the marais district. The hotel is an ivy-covered vision of archetypal French loveliness.

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