Chapter 10.

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No matter how busy you're, pray on time, it makes your mindset healthier, attitude more positive and increases your ability to focus.


edicated to rfdalhat


   Aslam released his hold on me as though he was holding something hot. He moved back and shook his head. "It's not what you think," he said to Aisha, walking towards her.

She shook her head in disbelief and disgust, "Really, Aslam? really! You're here cheating on me with your," she eyed me... "with her!"

"No. You're misunderstanding things. There was something inside her eyes, I was only helping her to blow it."
He lied.

"Do I look like a baby to you? I know what I saw. You were trying to kiss her!"

"No, I wasn't trying to kiss her, she was about kissing me."

Aisha looked at me then back at him."That didn't look like it,"

"Okay, she came into my room and... and she seduced me."

"-And you fell for it?"

"What do you expect, Aisha? I'm a man."

She paced round the room, "You're a man, you're a man..." She stopped pacing and faced me. "you! Why are you dressed like this in front of my man?"

I walked slowly to her side, I folded my hands across my chest, "I'm dressed like this for my husband."

She pointed her index finger at me, "Aslam is not your husband! He is mine!" She barked.

"Keep deceiving yourself,"

Aisha walked to Aslam's side. "You see! Look what you've caused."

Aslam scratched his head, "I'm sorry, okay."

"Sorry won't change anything."

"I didn't intend for it to happen, she caused it."

"Yeah she caused it, so that's why you succumbed to temptation so easily."

"Listen here," he said warningly, "don't you dare talk to me like that, you know I don't take shit."

She calmed down,"but boo boo, I'm only saying the truth. How would you feel if you were to see me with another man like that?"

He glared at her, "my case is different, and," he pointed at her, "don't you ever talk about you and another man again. I bet you wouldn't want to see my reaction."

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