Chapter 21.

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It's Friyay!✨🌹🕋❤️

Hey guys, how are you all? Good, right?
I am so very sorry for not updating regularly, I swear it's not entirely my fault. School has been on my neck and aside from that I am going through a major writers block. Like I don't even know where to go from here. Please forgive me.
I just realized that I am a very lazy writer today; because today makes this story a year that I started publishing. But here I am on chapter 21! Argh!
I don't even know what to type honestly, but for those who have been sticking up with me right from day one. Thank you so much for sticking up with my lazy ass, I will try to be better but pray for this writers block to leave me so I will finish up with this story in less than 2 months 🙃😏
Yes! I am lazy but with your prayers and motivation I know that I will change. I am counting on you guys now. Please motivate me the best way you can.
Comment and share
And I promise to update soon. I promise
School is on break now o, so better believe me.
Your cooperation matters. I need commentssss and votesss people.
May God bless you all.🌹✨❤️


"Mamii, wake up. It's time for fajr." I heard Khalil's voice in my dream. "Wake up!" I heard again, I gently opened my eyes and saw Khalil standing at the edge of the bed. Oh, so it wasn't a dream.

I sat up. "Go out, I want to make wudu." I said scratching my eyes.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. Get me a trouser from my closet."

He turned and walked to my closet, and in no time he was back with a black and white sweats.

"Go out."


''I can't change in front of you,"

"Fine. I give you one minute." And he left the room. I quickly put the trousers and walked to the ensuite to make wudu. When I came out I saw Khalil spreading two salayah.

I carried a hijab from the closet and stood behind him. We prayed nawafil together, after which he proceeded to the masjid to pray subh. While I performed mine at home. When I was done praying, I read the holy Qur'an, till Khalil came back. Then we both recited together.


The chirping sound of birds outside woke me up from sleep. I peeled the duvet off my body and sat up on the bed. I glanced around the room and saw Khalil sleeping in a very uncomfortable manner on the couch. I got on my feet and walked to my closet, I took out the trousers that Khalil gave to me earlier and quickly put it on.

I moved closer to Khalil and bent close to his ear. "Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed into his ear, waking him up with a startle. He sat up and scratched his sleepy eyes. I laughed at him.

"Is that how you wake your husband?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest, playfully.

"Yes, so you should better get used to it." I stuck out my tongue.

"Oh, then pray to always wake up before me because I bet you wouldn't like mine." He smirked.

"Really! OMG! I am so scared," I sneered, sarcastically.

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