Chapter 42.

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Hey lovelies, sorry for the late update. Well, regarding the previous chappy, most of you, if not all of you got the guessing right. And I promised to mention the winners, I haven't forgotten. Thing is for me to be able to mention I would have to be following, and most of you aren't following me. So follow me and I will mention you all.

It's a long and bumpy one !

To love is to suffer,
To avoid suffering one must not love,
But then, one suffers from not loving.


"Hey baby," the person which I thought I would never see, the person that caused me so much pain and who made me the way I am now said.

The way the word "Baby" rolled out of his tongue made me hate the word and it gave me goosebumps of irritation all over my body. The only person who can call me baby and make me feel giddy is Khalil.

"Don't call me that." I said through gritted teeth.

He chuckled then looked down at his shoes. "Okay sorry about that. Let's give it a try again, shall we? Hey wifey." He said and Khalil instantly jumped in front of him, Holding his collar in his tight fist.

"Don't. You. Dare. Call. Her. That!" Khalil spelt his words through gritted teeth.

"Stop it Khalil." I dragged Khalil back. He was loosing it and if he does today won't end well.

Aslam laughed, he hasn't changed one bit, he still takes every single thing as a joke. What a bastard. He rearranged his shirt and looked straight into my eyes.

"I am here to see you, won't you let me in?" He asked.

"No, you can't come in."

"Uhm," he nodded with a smile. "Can I see you in private then?"

"No, you can't. You can say whatever you want here." I replied looking at him. I was just wondering what side of his head to crack.

"In front of him?" He pointed at Khalil who stood aside now, he was watching us closely.

"Yes, he is my husband."

He chuckled. "So I heard. congratulations man, you finally got the girl." He said to Khalil. Then he turned to me. "But it is high time I have you back."

Khalil quickly rushed to his side and gave him a side punch, "You bastard!" Aslam's face fell and he lost balance, making him stagger backwards. He spit out blood. And a feeling of deja vu rushed through me. Making me remember the day he divorced me. "Leave now before I reset your face for you." Khalil Barked.

Aslam stood on his two feet and composed himself. "No violence man, I am not here for that. Let the lady speak." He said painfully.

Khalil looked at me and I looked down. "Speak!" He simply said.

"I would really appreciate it if you leave, Aslam." I uttered.

He smiled. "Okay, I get, you need a little time to think, right? Alright wifey, I will give you time. When you are done thinking you know where to find me." He winked. "Hey man, less violence please, it's not gentle manly. And look, you scared the lady." Khalil and I shared a look, if anything he was looking even more furious. Aslam was already going when he turned and said, "by the way, you are looking more beautiful wifey. See you soon!" He blew me a kiss and I had to hold Khalil from rushing to his side again.

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