Chapter 39.

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                        zulaihaumar ❤️


I want to be valued,
Not because I am precious,
But because I am priceless.

Faisal Khalil's POV.

"Babe," I purred entering into our bedroom. I met her standing beside the full length mirror She was wearing a mid thigh chiffon gown. I gulped drinking in her appearance. She looked ravishing.

She turned around and gave me a smile, my heart almost gave away. How could someone have so much effect on me? I found myself taking slow steps towards her, when I stood in front of her. I gathered her in my arms and squeezed her into my strong hold. I sighed as she hugged me back.

"I missed you." I looked into her eyes, my arms placed on her back holding her tightly as if she would run if I let her go.

"But I have been here." She spoke lowly.

"Yes, i know but I miss you whenever you are not in my arms."

She giggled. Then stood on her tippy toes, she placed a feathery kiss beside my lips. I wanted to capture her lips between mine but she stepped down.

"I am yours. Forever and for always."

"Uhmm," I pretended to think. "Prove it then." I said making her blush.

"My love, you know I love you even without me proving it to you. Doesn't my action says it all?" She says.

"Yes baby, but I just need to be loved, you know." I held her closer.

"I am all yours." She bit her lips then turned her back to leave. I brought her flush to me, my hands placed delicately on her stomach.

"Where do you think you are going to now?" I bit her ear making her let out a sound.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." She giggled after saying it.

"Is that some sort of surprise, uhm?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "What do you think?"

"I don't know either. But you know I love anything that is coming from you."

"Really? What if it isn't a nice one."

I turned her around to look at me. "Baby, anything from you is nice as far as I am concerned."

Her head fell back as she laughed richly, I smiled down at her. "Don't be so sure, baby boy."

"Hey, don't call me that," I pinched her arm.

"Ouch! That's hurts." She cried. "But you are my baby boy, aren't you?" She said with a tiny voice.

I caressed the place I pinched her and placed a feathery Kiss there. "Yes I am But whenever you want to call me that you have to make sure you make me feel that way."

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