Chapter 31.

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"Teach me how to love."

I watched Khalil as he clipped his cufflinks on his white Kaftan, he looked so good that I couldn't help but admire, the Kaftan hugged his muscles quite well, making his muscles prominent. A Zanar bukar cap sat perfectly on his hair that has grown fuller over the month. His sideburns was very much clear as he just came back from the saloon, his beards were so perfect. He carried a humra from the mirror and rubbed it on his face, this man was scenting so well and he is adding more. He never gets satisfied. Mostly, men are the ones who waits for women to get ready, but reverse is our case. I have been waiting for Khalil for the past 15minutes as he was taking rather to long to get ready. I have been ready since but he was busy taking his time as if he was getting married. Surprisingly, I didn't complain even ones that he was wasting time, oddly I was enjoying watching him. He turned to me, a handsome smile on his handsome face.

"I am ready."

I nodded and rose to my feet, I looked down and adjusted my skirt when Khalil dragged me to his side.

"You are looking so beautiful, babe." He whispered close to my ear, his hands were on my stomach. I felt warm all over me. I couldn't handle it and I moved away from him. "Hey wait, we need to take a picture, don't you think? We both look good." He brought me closer to him again as he brought out his phone from his pocket.

His hand went to my waist and he brought me so close to him making current run sweetly all over me. I looked at us through the mirror, I was so short and smallish in front of him, his well sculpted figure stood very proudly. I stopped right at his chest. I never knew I was that short, or rather he was that tall.

I placed my hand atop his that was resting delicately on my my waist and we both smiled as he clicked the mirror selfie. He showed me the pictures he took and they all looked good, as always. These days even I myself can't deny the fact that we both look banging together.

"Your head tie is on fire," he complimented as I stepped out of his hold. His eyes raked boldly all over me. I was dressed in a blue and white ankara that was sewn in an eight pieces fitted skirt and a V-neck blouse. I tied my head tie in the reigning style.

"Thank you." I smiled and carried my bag from the bed. We both walked downstairs to the parking lot and Khalil as usual, opened the passengers door for me and I stepped into his black tinted Mercedes. While he turned over and entered the drivers seat, he started the car and turned on the AC. I am not a fan of AC but I have been getting used the cars AC. Khalil loves AC but he has been adjusting because of me to the extent that I felt bad and I had to lie that I was ok with it, at times when he would refuse to put it on, I put it on myself.


We arrived at Khalil's parents house, Khalil quickly stepped down from the car and came around to open the door for me, that's what he always does. And I love it, he makes me feel special. I smiled and thanked him, he extended his hand forward and I accepted it, he helped me get down from the car. We walked to the house hand-in-hand. We salaamed and the door was opened by their maid. "Welcome." She smiled at both of us and stepped out of the way for us to enter.

"Thank you."

"Let me go and call them." She bowed her head a little in respect and sauntered upstairs while Khalil and I both sat down.

Zara was the first person to show up, she ran as usual and engulfed both of us in a hug.

"Zara, I thought I warned you to stop running. You are a lady." Khalil cautioned.

"Sorry, I have stopped really. I was just happy that you both came." She smiled so brightly.

We heard sound of shoes against the stairs and we averted our gazes to the staircase where Mum and Dad were coming down from the stairs. Khalil and I bent down on our knees, greeting them.

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