Chapter 24.

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Short and boring chapter.
I didn't want to take too long before updating. So enjoy; vote and comment. You guys have been so low on it. Please, please, please if you read this chappy vote and comment. It will mean a lot to me.
Thank you! 💕

Happy Independence Day🇳🇬

I felt someone tapping my arms. "Wake up." The voice said.

"Uhmm," I replied, sleepily. Opening my eyes just a little to see Khalil standing in front of me.

"Wake up, it's time for subhi." He shook me again, lightly.

Groaning, I opened my eyes fully. "I have heard you." I grumbled, rising to my feet. I headed to the bathroom and had a pee, I brushed my teeth and performed wudu. I came out and Khalil had already spread two prayer mats on the floor, we had asked one of the securities yesterday when we wanted to pray where the Qibla was facing and he showed us.

I took out my hijab and wore it and Khalil led us in prayer. After our Salaama, I opened the Qur'an application on my phone and recited. Khalil also did the same. I recited for about thirty minutes before closing the application and decide to rest back on the bed. Khalil was still reciting in a low tune, though I could hear a little. He has an amazing voice, ma sha Allah.

I folded my hijab and mat then hopped on the bed to catch a little sleep.

I was woken up by Khalil's finger brushing my cheeks, lightly. I got up and looked at him, he smiled. "I was waking you up but you didn't respond."

I scratched my eyes then adjusting my head tie. "You didn't do it well."

"Hmm, are you insinuating I do it the best way I can?" He smirked.

I shook my head, remembering what happened back at home. I am scared of his tickles.

"Then, this," he caressed my cheek once again. "Is the best way."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, standing up from the bed. I remembered I was wearing a mid thigh top then I quickly sat back down, covering my legs before he could see it. "Turn away. I wanna wear my trousers."

He turned around like the good boy that he is and I quickly wore it then got down from the bed. I picked my towel, and my clothes then headed to the bathroom.

When I was done bathing, I dressed up in a denim jeans and black tank top. I sauntered out of the bathroom and picked up my lotion and rubbed it on my exposed skin.

"What should I order?" Khalil asked and I looked at him, using the moment to analyse his dressing. He was dressed in a blank jeans and white top that hugged his muscles.

I shrugged, looking away. "Anything."

"Are you sure?" He pressed.

"Uhmm." I nodded. We heard a knock on the door and Khalil went to answer. A lady janitor followed behind him. She muttered her greeting to me and began her work. Once done she excused herself and left.

Some moment after she left we heard another knock and Khalil went to answer it. He came back shortly with a trolley full with food. Yum! My stomach grumbled and my mouth watered. I got up and began opening the plates.

Turns out he ordered, seared mushroom and chicken broth and strawberry cheesecake for dessert.

I served myself then I remembered Umma's scolding voice, then I served Khalil too. And we began eating. The food was so yummy.

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