Chapter 12.

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Dedicated to hiishah__


Life is totally different from fairy tales.


  Marriage they say, is the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship.

Marriage establishes rights and obligations between spouses, as well as any resulting biological or adopted children and affinity. (In-laws and other family through marriage).

Marriages I know of and have seen is where two people make their relationship public, official and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively last until death, if divorce doesn't occur.

It's been a month now that we've been married.

I don't know what to expect anytime I see Aslam. I don't know if he would be moody, available or not available. It's not like he is even available.

No matter what I do, he always think I am wrong. Whenever I try to make him happy, he sees it as if I am doing something wrong.

He is always busy doing something else, with someone else.

After he threw me out of his room, for the second time. I had cried a lot. I cried a lot that Bilkisu had to come to me and console me. She had said soothing words to me with her poor English, though I didn't understand some of what she was saying but I was glad she was there for me.

I hated people seeing me cry, but that day I cried not caring if Aslam heard my wail.

I kept thinking why he got married to me since he doesn't love me. Before our wedding, he wasn't too friendly but I thought he didn't want to get close until after our marriage.

I wondered why he wanted me since he already had a girlfriend. A girlfriend who I thought they broke up until a day after my wedding.

I smiled at myself in the mirror. I was already dressed in a red and blue skirt and blouse, I dabbed a little powder on my face. I checked myself one more time before heading to work.

Yes, I have decided not to push things fast, I'll take things slow.

I sat down and thought about my life. I thought I was a very unfortunate girl, a girl that her husband doesn't even care about.

But after thinking for some time, I remembered all the movies I had watched and the few novels I have read.

After marriage, both couples won't like each other; or the husband will be in love with the wife whilst she doesn't feel the same way, or the wife would be in love with the husband but he wouldn't feel the same way - just like Aslam and I, but as time goes on they'll start falling for each other. Slowly.

So, why bother? When I know he would soon fall in love with me. Then afterwards he'll throw Aisha out of the house then we'll live happily ever after with our 'only Allah knows how many kids'. The thought made me blush. I cannot wait.


I didn't realize I was smiling to myself until one of the nurses, Nurse Habiba asked, "This one that you're smiling like this today, I smell good news. Are you pregnant?" Habiba smiled which made me blush even more. I shook my head feeling my cheeks warm up.

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