Chapter 22.

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Hey guys,
How was eid? Hope you had fun and ate enough meat?
May Allah spear our lives in good health to witness more and more eid to come. Amin

Please don't forget to vote, comment and share.
God bless you all. 🦋🌸💦🌹🌚❤️

                              Oh, and Jummu'at Mubarak😌🌹❤️


The sound of the bathroom door being clicked, woke me up from sleep. I fluttered my eyelid open and stared at the chandelier.

"Morning beautiful," Khalil's cheerful voice greeted. I turned to him to see his beaming face.

I yawned lazily and  stretched on the bed, I peeled the duvet off my body and sat up. "Morning." I replied, twisting my neck.

"How was your night?" He asked, sitting beside me on the bed.

"Fine." I answered, lazily then got off the bed and headed to the bathroom, for a shower.

* * *

"What should we do?" Khalil asked, sitting up straight. We were both lying on the couch after eating breakfast.

"Ermm... I don't know." I sat up straight too, searching my brain for anything.

He thought for a second before asking. "How about T or D?"

"Nah, fam!" I disagree, remembering how our last T or D ended. I wouldn't want him asking for what he asked the last time.

He chuckled. "Are you scared?" He asked with a smirk.

"Of course not."

"You shouldn't be babe, it's Khalil. I won't hurt you."

"I am not scared, I am not just in the mood for that."

"Alright," he got up and sat down properly. His phone rang and he picked it almost immediately. "Hello... Really... Oh... I see... No problem... Yeah, come now... Thanks!" He dropped the phone and smiled up at me.

"I have a surprise for you."

"Huh. Really? Tell me."

"Not so fast, babe. I will tell you..." He glanced at his wristwatch and the door bell rang. "!" He rose to his feet and walked to answer the door. He came back shortly with two envelopes in his hand.

He handed them over to me and said, "here, open it."

I collected it and opened it. Oh my God. "Tickets!" I exclaimed with a very wide smile.

He nodded with a smile, his hands crossed over his chest.

"You are the best Khalil! You just made me so very happy." I stood in front of him, smiling so widely.

"It's my duty, Mamii."


"Are you done?" Khalil peeped his head into the bedroom for the fourth time in ten minutes.

I shook my head. "Don't bug me, I will be done just now."

And he disappeared back to the living room.

We were preparing to visit our parents to tell them about our Trip.

I rose to my feet and checked my make-up and dressing, I adjusted my head tie and sauntered to the living room to meet Khalil.

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