Chapter 4.

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I'll never forget you,
you'll always be by my side,
From the day that I met you,
I knew that I'd love you till the day I die,
And I'll never want much more,
And in my heart I'd always be sure.
I'll never forget you...
You'd always be by my side.
Till the day I die....

   Dedicated to Siyyamah 💕

               Faisal Khalil's POV

It's been three weeks now since I last saw Mamii, next week would be her wedding, I still can't believe it. Sometimes when I think about it I just wish it could all be a dream. Since she told me about her wedding,things has been different, we hardly talk. I knew she was going to get married, of course she must, but I didn't expect it to be this soon.

I'm going to miss her soo much. Sometimes I feel like punching myself for not confessing my love to her, it wouldn't hurt right? But I know mamii so well, if I dare confess my love to her I'm sure she'd hate me. I don't know what kind of person she is, she has never had any boyfriend, any guy who shows interest in her will be reciprocated with hatred, But that Aslam guy, I don't know what he gave to her that she fell in love with him instantly, she always tells me about her celebrity and instagram crush but she never told me about him. Maybe it was love at first sight, or perhaps he jinxed her.

I wish I could take his place in her heart but, what to do? She doesn't love me. It's better we remain best friends than for her to hate me after confessing my love to her, so I'll lock up my feelings. But I'm loosing her already, she'd soon be someone else's.. I've lost her.

I got dressed in a black sweatpants and white tee, wore my black palms,with a face-cap. Mamii said she likes it when I dressed like that.

I took my car key and drove to the garden where we would meet.
I sat down under the gazebo, I needed some alone time first, I need to clear my head before I call her.

I remember the first time I saw her, it was at her school, I escorted my friend to go pick up his brother,when I spotted her outside the window of the last floor. The few Students' that were present were screaming for help, the security ran upstairs, I didn't know what I was doing, but I found myself running to her rescue. I told the securities to leave everything to me, and they did, because they were scared, I guess.

"What are you doing here?" I asked immediately I neared her.

Her eyes were shot tightly, she's clearly scared of heights. Hell! I was also scared.

"Please,help me." she whispered.

"I'll help you,but you've to trust me first. Do you trust me?" I asked.

She didn't reply.
By then many people were already gathered, screaming for us to be careful.

"Give me your hands," I extended my hands to her.

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