Chapter 34.

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*If we love with restrictions
And tie it to conditions,
We do not give love room to be love.*

Faisal Khalil's POV:

Everything was moving sweetly, everything was amazing, everything was almost perfect. I was totally happy, forgetting that the happiness I was feeling was nothing but a temporal bliss.

Mamii and I were almost acting like a couple, I was actually thinking she was developing feelings for me. Little did I know that she wasn't. She was only acting like that. I forgot that a dark storm awaits me.

I felt like I was stoned with a very hot ball when she asked for a divorce. I didn't want to believe she said it, I brushed it off hoping she would let the matter be but she kept on insisting.

And I lost it, I couldn't lie to her anymore. I have kept it from her so long so I decided to tell her, I knew she would get angry at me and brush it off soon. But I was wrong, I forgot that she was a hot headed young lady.

She threatened me, she insulted me and I can see the hate she has for me in her eyes. And it's breaking me, it's breaking me into tiny little pieces. I can't bare to see her angry at me.

When she said I just got myself into her black list; I was heartbroken and shattered. I couldn't bare it, my chest felt so heavy, I couldn't feel anything. It was getting too much that I couldn't bare it so I prayed, I prayed to Allah and I felt a little better.

That night, she didn't sleep in the room, she slept in the sitting room and I begged her with everything but she didn't even spare me a glance. And when she did, she looked at me like she wanted to murder me.

How things change within a blink of an eye. I swear, we were just perfect some few hours ago and now... a storm is between us, a strong, heavy storm.

When I woke up this morning, I met her in the sitting room praying. When she did her salam she greeted me coldly before laying back down. I proceeded to the masjid and performed my salat, I came back around 7:06pm. She had already prepared breakfast, she made fried yam and egg sauce.

I quickly had my bath and ate breakfast. She didn't eat breakfast with me. She was in the guest room.

If it was up to me, I wouldn't go to work, but I have a very important issue to take care of with a very important client.

I knew she would leave this house if I go. She has been trying to leave since yesterday night but I refused. I locked the door and didn't let her go.

And now, if I leave for work I know she would use the opportunity and leave. I can't bare to see her go. I can't live without her.

I knocked softly on the guest rooms door, she opened the door and her dark eyes stared at me thunderously.

"I am leaving for work." I said.

She eyed me and attempted to close the door but I placed my legs stopping her from closing it. "What is it?" She asked, sharply.

I didn't want to do this but I have no choice, she left me with no option. "I forbid you from stepping outside this house. You can't use that door."

Her eyes widened. "Don't you dare use husband rights on me. I am not your wife."

"You are baby." I smirked.

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