Chapter 45.

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Final chapter ❤️
With utmost love,

<You are worth more than you think.>


Happiness, Serenity, Bliss, and Enjoyment. Those words can't  be enough to describe how my life feels right now.

My life has been filled with nothing but pure bliss ever since Khalil and I made up. He is everything I have ever wished for.

My eyes were closed, but I could hear sounds from beside me. I opened my eyes but the room was dark.

I stretched out my hand to switch on the side lamp but it wasn't there. I was about to seat up when two strong hands pinned me to the bed, I almost got scared until the smell of the person calmed me down, it was Khalil.

With one of his hand still holding me, he used the other to switch on the lamp. Immediately the light was switched on, our eyes clashed and his dozy eyes was one of the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but wonder what he was up to.

He helped me up. "What are you up to?" I asked as he helped me slipped into my slippers.

"Shhh... calm down baby." He pecked my cheek. He switched on the room light and he led us downstairs. The sitting room was dark, he left me at the center of the parlor and he went to the wall to switch on the light. Immediately the light came on, i almost couldn't breath.

Beautiful petals of flowers were scattered beautifully on the floor, there were boxes and wrapped gifts and cake. Everything was set up simple yet so beautifully.

"Happy birthday my baby." He simply said from behind me. I swallowed hard and I burst into uncontrollable tears. Never in my 23 years of existence someone has ever done something so sweet and special to me as this. I turned around and hugged him so tightly like if I did any less he would vanish before my eyes. I sobbed in his chest as I clinged onto him so tightly.

"I don't deserve you, Khalil." I said between sobs.

His hands drew circle on my back. "You deserve the world my Queen."

"I love you so much. So so much my heart aches from it." I looked up at him.

"I love you even more Baby. I love you even more." He gave me a kiss on my forehead. Then he wiped my tears. "A Queen shouldn't be crying especially on her special day, don't you think? Come on here," he led me to the cake. "Make a wish and cut the cake."

I blushed and stood in front of the cake. "I wish to be with you forever and have beautiful kids who would be the coolness of our eyes. And I pray we all reunite in Jannah, with you as my husband, and me, your wife." I wished and blew the cake.

"You were meant to whisper that Baby." He chuckled.

"There's nothing I can hide from you, you are my soulmate. All my secrets you already know, and I don't plan on hiding any thing from you."

"I know but that's the tradition." He laughed softly.

"Please forget tradition. So I have made a wish. What next?" I bit my lip, looking at the delicious looking cake.

"We cut the cake." He carried the small knife and placed it on my hand. He placed his large ones atop mine and we both spelt LOVE. Before cutting the cake, I fed him a small portion and he fed me too.

"May this be the beginning of beautiful things for us." He prayed.

"Amin, Amin." I hugged him, surfacing a yawn.

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