Chapter 8.

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Chapter dedicated to itz_Mjay

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   I stood there perplexed, not knowing what to do or say. My mouth was hanging open. I couldn't speak.

  Aslam instructed the gateman to take her luggage's to the guest room. Which he did before stepping out.

I was still looking at them, not knowing what to say. "Close those mouth of yours, we wouldn't want to see flies in it." the lady who I couldn't believe was standing there said.

I closed my mouth before moving my gaze to her.

She has a sculpted figure which is thin. She is fair in complexion. A pair of arched brows with sweeping eyelashes, a button nose. With a small lips.

She walked over to Aslam's place and said,"Boo boo, I'm soo tired, I wanna sleep. You know we didn't get enough sleep last night. "

I felt a pang in my chest, I knew that last sentence was directed to me because she turned to me slightly.

What does she mean by that?

"Come, I'll show you to your room. " he made his way to leave and she followed him. With her heels making the click sound.

She even has a room in my house. I didn't know what to think anymore.

What is Aslam doing by bringing his ex girlfriend here?

I need answers.

I walked to Aslam's room. The door was slightly open, I pushed it a little. I saw him searching for something in his drawer.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

He stopped what he was doing and faced me. "Do you need a red carpet?" He asked sarcastically.

I entered the room. "What is she doing here?" I asked.

He closed the drawer. "She is here to stay."

"What? You're joking, right?"

"Do I look like a joker to you?''


"Because she is the one whom I love."

My legs became weak, I stood there with tears gushing out of my eyes. I wish what he just said would all be a dream.

I thought things were over between them, but I was wrong.

I moved closer to him. "No Aslam... do yo..u mean? I'm the one whom you lo.. love and not her. We just got married.... "

"Right, we are married but I'm not your husband."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Who do you think you're? You can't come here and start asking silly questions." He yelled.

He freaking yelled.

"I'm your wife, I demand answers." I said, calmly.

"Don't call yourself my wife! Remember this, " he pointed his index finger at me. "We are married but I'm not your husband. Get out of my room, now!"

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