Chapter 30.

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Phewww! Okay I'm proud of myself rn 🙀💦😌❤️ we are at chapter 30 guys!! Like wowwww.
I'm happy because we have gone far. Las las we have passed half💪🏾💪🏾🧡💕

Faridah's POV.

I woke up with a cranky feeling, all thanks to yesternights cry. I brushed my teeth's and took my bath after I performed my subhi prayer. I didn't want to get irritated easily today, I want to be happy and bathing with warm water will help me achieve that. I got dressed in a brown and white pencil gown with a brown veil which I tied in a "Ture ka ga tsiya" style, I sprayed myself with various perfumes and dabbed a little powder on my face and kohl on my eyes to hide my eye bags from being to prominent.

I sauntered downstairs, to the kitchen to make breakfast. I made Irish potatoes with fried eggs and custard. I arranged the dinning and kept all the necessary items before going upstairs to wake them up to come down and eat. I salaamed at the guest room and entered, Basma and Zara were both sleeping with their legs and arms stretched across the bed, it looked like they passed out. I laughed inwardly.

I clapped my hands together very loudly five times before the sleeping beauties finally opened their eyes. "It's morning." I said with a tight lipped smiled.

"But we just started sleeping just now." Zara whined scratching her eyes.

"I know right." Basma said, her eyes half closed.

"Sorry sweethearts, the time is..." I glanced at the alarm clock. "...7:05am. So wake up, now. Breakfast is served."

"What? Really? So early." Basma asked, her eyes now widely opened. I knew she was whining because she thought she would have to make breakfast. Basma loves cooking, well unless it's breakfast where she will have to cut her beauty sleep off.

"Yes. Come down and eat before it gets cold." I uttered as I walked out of the room. I entered our room and saw Khalil sleeping on the couch, he was sleeping up front with his left hand covering his face and the other hanging off the couch.

I bent down and took his hands. "Wake up, Khalil." I said gently, but loud enough for him to hear me. He is not a deep sleeper.

His hands moved and he removed his hands from his face and his red eyes fell on me. He closed his eyes and opened them still staring at me.

"You are up so early." He said, his voice husky from sleep.

"Yeah, and you aren't up. You don't sleep this late." I muttered staring at him, he had eye bags under his eyes and his eyes were red.

"Didn't you sleep last night?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulder.

"I did." He lied.

"Then why do you have eye bags under your eyes?"

"Having eye bags doesn't necessarily mean someone didn't sleep."

"Yeah, I know. But they are all related, plus your eyes are swollen."

"I slept." He replied, curtly.

"You didn't, Khal. Stop lying to me."

He sat up and looked into my eyes. "I shouldn't lie to you right? But you are always lying to me and yourself. What should we do about that?" He muttered before rising to his feet and walking off to the toilet leaving me wondering.

What does he even mean?


At dinning, I served Khalil, Zara and Basma before serving myself. We all ate our breakfast quietly, unlike yesterday. I occasionally stole glances at Khalil who just ate his food not looking at anywhere but the food.

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