Chapter 37.

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•~I was missing
You before
We even met•~


I groaned and used the blanket to cover my eyes as the rays of sun became too bright for me. I tossed on the bed and my eyes landed on the clock hung on the wall. It read 7:43, hmm it's still early. I thought. I closed my eyes again to go back to sleep when my brain registered it. 7 what? I jumped off the bed and dashed to the bathroom. It's 7 and I haven't prayed Subh, Ya Allah!

I made wudu then came out and carried my hijab from the drawer and prayed. After my salah, I read the holy Qur'an for about 10 minutes before proceeding to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

To my surprise, Khalil had already made breakfast. He made pancakes. There was a note beside the plate, I picked it up and it read...

Salam habibty,
I knocked on your door but you didn't answer. I hope you aren't angry with me. I made breakfast myself since I was running a little late. In case you don't come out early, you should reheat it.
I hope you enjoy it.
I love you ❤️

I tossed the paper inside the trash can. I sat down and ate the pancakes. I must admit, he did a fine job.

I washed the dishes and cleaned the whole house, the house was a mini mess. By the time I was done cleaning, I was so exhausted I crashed on the couch. I really needed to leave this house, but sadly I can't. I am locked up in the place which I once called home, I am a prisoner. How awesome.

When I calmed down a little, I took my lazy self to the room, the room I once shared with Khalil. And had a relaxing bath, I smiled playing with the water. It was odd but I missed bathing here. It comforted me bathing in here, I felt some sort of peace. I took longer than necessary bathing. I wanted to scream and sing but I restrained myself from doing so because it is unislamic. I couldn't really tell but I spent about an hour and thirty minutes in the bathroom before deciding to leave. I carried my robe, I mean Khalil's robe. Yes I am trying to hate him but I can't stop myself from using his things. I loved how his things always looks on me.

I wore it and it was so big that it almost reached my toes. I laughed at myself. I stepped out of the bathroom and oiled my body.

I went into the closet to pick a clothe to wear, I had to stop myself from picking one of Khalil's T-shirt. I finally settled on one of my free gowns. I stepped out of the walk in closet to get dressed but was shocked when I saw someone standing, his back turned against me. It is a man! Ya Allah, I screamed in my head.

He was standing in front of the drawers opening them one by one, the curtains were down and the lights were turned off. I couldn't see his face but from the frame I knew it was a guy. The gown I was holding slipped from my hand and I looked around quietly to pick a tool to defend my self. My eyes landed on my incense pot, I wasn't sure if it was going to be of much help but I carried it anyways. It was better than nothing.

I took slow steps to where he was standing and raised my hand up to hit him and I also screamed doing so, he turned abruptly and held my hand. The papers which he once held fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" He snapped. It was Khalil, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. He used his free hand to open the curtains.

"I-I... you? Why were you snooping around like a thief?" He asked.

He chuckled. "Interesting. Why would I snoop? I was only looking for a file."

"Why didn't you put on the lights? I thought you were a thief." I rolled my eyes.

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