Chapter 3.

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I watched as people from different angle alighted from different buses, bus conductors screaming for passengers to enter their buses and agbero's were moving around and screaming as though they owned the world.

I dragged my luggage's to a near by shade patiently waiting for Khalil, I was soo angry for some unknown reasons but I was glad I was finally back from that hell hole called camp.
How I miss breathing fresh air. I was about calling him when I saw his car approaching me. He parked the car and came to where I was seated under the shade to carry my luggage's.

"What took you soo long?" I asked entering into the car.

"I missed you too sweetheart." he beamed.

I hissed.

"So how was it?" he asked after some few moments of silence.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know." I replied uninterestedly.

"Too bad I already know." he cooed.

"Then why ask?" I rolled my eyes.

"Why're you answering me like this?" he looked at me "Did I do anything wrong? I thought you missed me as much as I missed you, I was expecting a hug from you to show how  much you missed me but I didn't get one, scratch that, you didn't even smile at me."

"Sorry, I'm just tired, sleepy, hungry and angry." I uttered.

His lips formed a thin line.
He didn't answer me, I know he's angry and talking to him now will just make both us fight and I'm in no mood for that.

Immediately we got home umma and the rest gave me a bone crushing hug as if they haven't seen me for years, I was gone for only two weeks. Yes I missed them too but the hug almost suffocated me. If they had succeeded in suffocating me and I end up dying, I'll see how they'll celebrate my death.

Bad joke.

"Ya Allah, look at how slim my baby has become," umma said looking at me from head to toe. "yalla go upstairs and bath." she ordered.

I took my bath and was about to go downstairs to eat when umma came with a trolley filled with different varieties of food.

"Umma how do you expect me to finish all these? I asked eyeing all the mouth watering dishes."

"You must finish it, don't you know how skinny and dark you look now, and your wedding is in a month and a week time." she looked at my skin. "I should call the beautician so she can start with the beauty treatments."

"Noo please,I don't want." I pouted.

"You're not serious, so you want to go to your husband's house looking like this."

"No, I'll do it but at least allow me rest for sometime." I said with a puppy face.
"Fine, but you only have a week to rest," she got up to leave.
Oh my Allah, I totally forgot about Khalil, I also got up so I can meet him downstairs and apologize for my arrogant behavior.

"And where are you going to?" umma asked with an autorative voice.

"I left khalil downstairs."

"He left already."

"What? Why? I-- he.. We....." I didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, tomorrow you'll go and visit him, it's been awhile you went there. And you can also use that opportunity to tell his parents about your wedding " umma said smiling.

I hugged her, "Thanks soo much, I thought you were going to lock me up till my wedding day."

She broke the hug, "Of course I'm going to lock you after tomorrow, yalla go and eat before it gets cold."

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