Chapter 20.

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Love is like a war... Easy to start... But difficult to end.


My kayan lefe were scattered all over Umma's room. Basma kept opening each and every box, carrying anything that tickles her fancy. I didn't care because I had more than enough already. The ones my family bought for me before my first wedding were still untouched, that could last me for a while. The lefe Aslam bought for me was still in his house, I didn't take it and he didn't send it for me either. I hope he is keeping it for me, when he calls me back.

I had called Khalil, telling him what he sent were too much but he said they weren't. Seriously? I didn't think they were necessary, considering the deal that we had. And also, this is my second wedding.

"Basma, I want to eat Basmati rice." I said to Basma who was busy doing her makeup. I use to always tease her about her name, saying it is a foods name, I used to call her basmati before, until Umma warned me, saying I shouldn't spoil her daughters name.

"Ya Faridah, I want to read my English reader." She teased back, making me remember when they used to call me English reader back at primary school, I would always cry when they called me that and report to our teacher who barely cared. When I got tired of reporting to our teacher, I went home crying to Baba who later followed me to school and complained to the headmistress. The headmistress followed me to the class and threatened that who ever calls me that would pull the grass with their hands for a week, and that got them to stop.

"It doesn't even makes sense." I rolled my eyes.

"Says the girl who cries when they called her that."

"Durhh, I was still a baby then," I retorted.

* * *

"The make up artist is here." Ya Samira informed. Today is Friday, the day Khalil and I would be married.

I nodded then straightened my position on the bed as the makeup artist came in sight. "Hey." I smiled at her.

"Hello, amarya. How are you?" She asked, equally smiling.

"Good, and you?"

"I am fine. I can see how happy you are, that's nice." She said, dropping her makeup kit on the stool beside me. I looked at her closely and noticed her name tag on her chest, her name is Angela Davies. "Shall we?" She uttered, referring to my makeup.

"Yes, yes, we shall."

* * *

"It's tied already!" Ya Samira squealed, coming into the room which I was kept, she sat down beside me and hugged me. "Congrats Sis!"

"Thank you!" I hugged her back, smiling.

My phone beeped, indicating a message. Ya Samira broke the hug. "I will be outside," she informed, before walking out.

Khalil: Congrats Mrs. Faisal Khalil. Can't wait to see you. ❤

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