Chapter 28.

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Hello guys. How are we?
So, I'm sorry if the whole honey moon isn't what ya'all expected😅 if it isn't all lovey-dovey 💓💘🤗😩😻 sweet as honey. 🙃 what matters now is that we are moving forward. And we will get somewhere. And when we reach that somewhere, we will know what will happen🔥 so for now. Just be patient with me and my slow updates 😘

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•~Just one look
Was all it took to realize she wasn't like the other girls.•~


I starred at the stacks of clothes scattered all over the bed and sighed. I hate packing and also unpacking as well, I honestly don't know which is harder. I remembered when the tweet went viral some months ago but still nobody chose between the two.
I guess it's all the same after all.

"What's up babe?" Khalil asked as he came into the room, he was munching on some very delicious looking popcorn.

"These." I replied tiredly, waving my hands in the air.

"Why did you scatter them on the bed if you know you won't be having the strength to rearrange them?" He asked, settling himself on the couch.

"Okay, so how was I supposed to know that? Are you going to help me or stay there and do what I don't know." I rolled my eyes as I walked over to where he was seated. I sat down next to him and collected the bowl of popcorn from him and munched on it. "You couldn't even invite me to join you." I moved the popcorn away from him as he tried to reach it.

"I knew you would come for it, babe."

"Well, I am not giving it back to you. I want all of them."

Khalil let out a breath. "I should have ate it all outside." He murmured to himself but I heard him.

"I heard that."

"Whatever.." he mumbled and rose to his feet. He walked to where our clothes were scattered and he began arranging them back into the luggage's.

"Awww my husby is so amazing," I chanted as my laid back on the couch. He ignored me and continued with the packing... unpacking... whatever.

I felt a light tap on my arm and that was when I realized I fell asleep, I opened my eyes and saw Khalil standing before me. I rubbed my hands over my face and sat up making the popcorn bag fall off from my chest to the carpeted floor.

"You fell asleep," he said looking down at me.

I nodded my head and stretched. My whole body ached. Is this how Khalil feels whenever he wakes up?

"I am sorry I woke you up, your body will ache if I don't."

"That's so nice of you." My mouth felt so sour from the popcorn I ate earlier. I should have taken a glass of water to flush it down.

I am now feeling bad for making him sleep on the couch. I only slept for about 30 minutes and I feel this way, I wonder how he feels sleeping here for hours.

"I am done." He said.


"I am done packing."

I looked at where our clothes were scattered before and true to his words the place was clothe-less free. Even our boxes weren't there.

I was up on my feet without even realizing, I wrapped my arms around Khalil's neck and gave him a very tight hug. He also held me and I moved back a little to stare at him, my arms still around his neck. "Have I ever told you how sweet you are?" He smiled.

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