Authors note.

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Hellooooo my beautiful readers❤️
How have you all been? I've missed all of you so much!
I just want to say a very big thank you to all of you that have been with me through out the journey of me writing this story, it has been an amazing journey wallah! I have always hated typing but you guys made it fun for me, it was so sweet reading beautiful comments from you people. I didn't just write a novel, i also met amazing people. And it's so sweet receiving messages and comments of people telling me how much they love my work🥺

You all made me so proud of myself. I love you all, I literally do! Words can't even describe how much I do. May Allah keep you all for me!🥺❤️and this is not the end of the road for us. We have many more stories to write and in sha Allah my next work will be posted very soon.

I've been receiving messages from a lot of you asking when I'm completing IAQFL. The book is already completed, it's just remaining the epilogue as stated in the previous chapter, and that's something I've Been working on. It's just that whenever I am about to start typing , I just lose focus 😪 sad right? I know!

But I've been working on it, I can get my lazy self to finish it up in a day but I'm resisting cause I'm working on another novel... yay.

I don't want it to take long the way this one did so I'm trying to draft about 20 chapters so I wouldn't be taking time to update, but not to worry, I'm in my third chapter now so hopefully when I get the zeal I'll draft them down and post the epilogue of IAQFL and my new work which the name would be announced as soon as it is posted.😝

My new work is totally different from this so it's kinda difficult for me to write but I'm trying to relate to the characters the best way I can. And it's going to be a banger! I absolutely love ittttt.

Keep being patient with me🥺and I hope I haven't lost my readers❤️

Please tell your friends to tell your friends to tell their friends to come and read! They don't want to miss out on this!

I'll be back soon my lovelies❤️ In sha Allah

Love you with my whole heart... and stay safe.💛💛💛💛💛

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